Dec 07, 2006 12:41
I bought a Wii.
FSM knows why, but I did.
After all the hoo-ha about pre-orders and low stock and "we can't guarantee you'll get one" I turned up at Target at 9am, stood around for about 10 minutes, doors opened, bought a Wii and was out, having spent half an hour (some of which was deciding whether or not to buy Zelda yet). Apart from them not having the contoller covers, it was easy. And of course, I got my lovely 5% discount.
So, I've spent the morning playing Wii Sport, Wii Play and Zelda. I haven't ever owned a game console before. When I was a kid I used to go and stay with a friend fairly frequently, and he had a Nintendo. I so wanted one. We used to play Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt and all these stupid games and now I have a Nintendo of my own!! And even better - the controller is brilliant. Playing the sports games is super fun, especially Tennis, Bowling and Boxing.
I'll stop raving and get back to Zelda now.