You're Everything I've Ever Wanted

Apr 12, 2012 08:42

This is a fic I wrote a couple of years ago for DA:O and was recently reminded of. Apparently I don't have the doc file anymore so I found the post and I'm putting here for future reference. It was originally posted to swoopingisbad. I was lazy and just copy and pasted the entire original post below.


*clears throats and does best Dr. Forrester impression*
What you are about to read is an experiment and by observing you have become part of the experiment. *clears throat again*

This is an idea that got stuck in my head yesterday afternoon and wouldn't leave me alone. It is a series of short scenes across the relationship of Alistair and a general F!Warden, there are no race or origin details. My inspiration came from the lyrics to a song I was listening too at the time. Not exactly what I originally had in mind, but this is what found its way out.

Rated M

The song in question is by Remote Tree Children, a side project of Glen Phillips. I'm 99.9% sure that no one else here has ever heard it so if you are interested you can check it out here: Blood Pressurize I did try to make the elements of each section fit in a linear fashion with the lyrics, but I don't think listening to the song is necessary.

You're Everything I've Ever Wanted

Maker’s breath she was an amazing woman. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t keep her out of his thoughts; the way she walked, the way she wielded a sword, so full of confidence.

And when she bent over, the leather skirt of her armor…

His pulse quickened. Maker forgive me.


The rose twirled in between her fingers, a sweet, simple gesture.

She looked up at him with a crooked smile. Who knew that such men existed? And this one had chosen her. His callused hands reached up and held the sides of her face. She closed her eyes as he pressed his warm lips hard against hers.


From behind her came the gentle touch of his hands on her shoulders. She felt a breath followed by a soft kiss on the base of her neck. She shivered slightly and rolled her head back on to templar’s chest. His hands moved down her arms as his mouth slowly made its way up the curve of her neck.

Please don’t stop.

One final lingering kiss behind her ear and he rested his head against hers, holding her tightly.


He thrust deeply into her and she arched her back, moaning his name between ragged breaths.  Her legs wrapped around his waist, he pulled her hips closer. He watched as her chest heaved with each forward movement. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, one last gasp. As the world spun, time seemed to stop.


They lay side by side in the tent, his head against her chest. He listened to the thud of her heart and felt her silent breaths. Eventually a sigh escaped from her lips.

He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “It won’t always be like this you know. The Blight will end and we’ll have normal lives, well, as normal as we can.” He kissed her on the cheek before laying his head against her smooth skin. “We’ll get through this together.”


The world seemed to have descended into chaos. Fires burned in the once bustling streets. Fort Drakon loomed in the distance, barely visible through the smoke and waves of heat.  The archdemon was there and soon this would all be over.

Give me strength to do what I must.


There was the familiar touch of a finger running down the length of her spine, lingering on the small of her back before tracing her hip bone. She let out a contented sigh and smiled.

Eyes wide open; she started up in bed, it was just a dream.

But it felt so real…
Except it couldn’t be, now she was alone.

fanfic, dragon age:origins

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