Title: Amongst the Pale Starlight: Old Friends
Rating: PG/E
Word Count: 815
Characters: Shepard and Garrus
Summary: Shepard heads to Omega to find Archangel.
Part 2: Old Friends
Meeting with Aria and having to listen to her “I’m Queen of Omega, don’t fuck with me” speech put Shepard in a bad mood. She had intended to find Mordin first but Archangel intrigued her, plus getting the better of a bunch of mercs seemed like a good idea. At least she hoped it would put her in a better mood.
She was shocked when Archangel removed his helmet. The last person she would have imagined hunting mercs on Omega was Garrus. She caught herself before she ran forward and hugged him. “What are you doing here?”
He cocked his head to one side. “I might ask you the same thing.”
She rubbed the back of her neck, “Long story.”
Still he humored her as she asked a few questions before returning to the issue of the incoming mercs.
“I didn’t like sneaking anyway,” she gave him a crooked smile, “time to spill a little merc blood.”
Garrus responded to her unusual enthusiasm with a questioning look before moving back to the balcony. “I’ll stay up here. I can do a lot of damage from this vantage point. And you, you can do what you do best. Just like old times.”
She pulled out her gun and loaded a thermal clip. “Just like old times.”
Shepard didn’t expect Garrus to walk into the briefing room. She was surprised but also relieved. After finishing her duties for the day she headed down to check on him. She found him in a small room off the main battery. It was little more than a storage closet for the guns’ systems but there was enough room for a cot against the far wall. Garrus was lying on his good side, face towards the wall.
“Garrus?” Shepard asked quietly, not sure if he was sleeping or awake.
“Commander,” he replied immediately and started to sit up.
“Don’t, stay the way you are.” She moved a small crate closer to the bed and sat down on it. “I just wanted to see how you were doing. Do you need any more pain meds from Dr. Chakwas?”
“I’m fine, or at least as good as I can be with part of my face blown off.” He laughed nervously then groaned, “I’ve got to stop doing that.”
“Are you sure you’re okay here? I can find a better place for you to sleep.”
“Shepard, really, I’m fine.”
“If you say so, but let me know if you change your mind or you need anything.”
Garrus rolled over to face her and propped himself up on one arm. “If I need something, you’ll be the first to know.”
“Good. I should go now, you need to sleep. I just wanted to check in on you before I headed to my quarters. I’m going back to Omega tomorrow to find Dr. Mordin Solus.”
“Ah, Mordin. I’ve heard of him, runs a free clinic in the slums. The rumor is he’s former STG. You should be fine as long as you don’t threaten him or the clinic. You’ll have to get past the quarantine first. The plague doesn’t seem to effect humans so you won’t have to worry about getting sick but they still won’t want to let you in.”
“Thanks, Garrus.” Shepard stood to leave. “Are you alright with being alone on a Cerberus vessel tomorrow?”
“I’m a big boy Shepard; I can take care of myself.”
“So I’ve seen,” she smirked.
“You’re going to recruit a salarian tomorrow and Cerberus knew Archangel was a turian. I don’t think they would have filled the ship with a xenophobic crew. I’ll be fine. Besides I doubt I’ll go any further than the med bay. Stop worrying so much, it doesn’t suit you.”
“Yeah,” she mumbled as she shifted her eyes to the ground.
Garrus noticed the change in her mood, “Shepard, I didn’t -,”
She cut him off. “No you’re right. I am being a bit of a mother hen.” She forced a smile to show there were no hard feelings then changed the subject. “I’m taking Miranda and Zaeed with me tomorrow. See Yeoman Chambers or Dr. Chakwas if you need anything. If you have question about the mission, talk to Jacob. He’ll give you straight answers. I’ll let you get some rest now.”
She turned and headed to the door. “Shepard,” Garrus called after her. She stopped and looked at him. “Thanks.”
That was all that needed to be said between them about what happened in the hideout. Shepard gave him a genuine smile now.
“I’ll be here if you need me,” he added before rolling back over.
Shepard nodded and the door swished shut behind her. As she rode the elevator up to her room she marveled at how a few familiar words had the ability to bring her a little peace.