Aug 17, 2009 11:00
I hate being sick. I hate the being trapped in a limp, exhausted body when my brain wants to do things my body can’t, I hate the healing process, going from feverish to clammy, stuck in a Nyquil induced hallucinogenic surrealistic world of sleep, attempting to eat, the occasional trek to the bathroom that not only feels like 5x the distance, but the mirror is mocking at the disheveled person looking back at you.
Then the fever goes away, and your headache from the pounding sinuses has indeed gone away, replaced with an apathetic nose that seems incapable of smell-think of it like swimming in chlorinated water, and snorting in some of it up your nose by accident. Except that feeling goes away in a few minutes, with Sinusitis it lasts for days. Food, devoid of smell, seems unappetizing. Of course you need to eat to get better so that age old catch 22 leaves one feeling rather pissed. One wants to eat, just the work involved in getting something together and eating it just doesn’t seem worth the effort.
You shiver in sunlight, even though you should feel warm, it’s like you’re cold to the core. Everyone comments you better not get them sick-they say it friendly enough, but you know they want to run as far away from you as possible. One co-worker actually told me to go home rather than infect everybody. In a perfect world, I suppose this may work, but with a limit of time one can be away from an office, it doesn’t translate very well into reality.
There is always the fun treat that no matter how sick you are, there are others who are thoroughly convinced they are far worse off than you-this has occurred in phone calls, I tell the person how I am feeling and instead of hearing a “feel better” they somehow feel the need to go on about how sick THEY are, never mind the fact they were happily bouncing about their home earlier, or writing on Facebook how great they feel-now their voice is weak and tired, they need rest more than you and how selfish you must be sharing your poor health in such a callous fashion with the person 20x sicker than you (who will not see a doctor and seems fine anywhere from 15 minutes post-phone call to the next day).
So me and my senseless nose trudge to work, happy to be busy instead of in a cold coma on the couch. At least I am functioning unit of the working grind and not home on my lazy ass, which is obviously my reason for being sick in the first place, depending on which family member or friend you ask.
We stay, all day-plugging along, making ourselves useful, I sneeze multiple times, I get looks but I go on. I finish a bulk of work and enjoy the productivity of it. The day won’t last forever and I can be home, in bed, sooner than I think and take the next few nights to get the final dregs of this thing out of my system. In my damp rag mode, I function surprisingly well, now if only I could smell stuff again!