... belated, yes. +coughs into hand+
So, quick update. Year 2010: My first anime-con. New "old" car. Hubby still the same. No health issues. Still the same job. Bitchin' because no bones were broken.
Entered the marvellous
kakasaku Community, and my first contest ever.
And won SECOND FREAKING PLACE! WHOOT! I was so damned happy about that. Personalized banner made of win.
Upcoming projects:
Background for a damned yum pic, for the Comm of course.
Posting a 15k monster in three acts - smuttlicious. Or fap worthy. You choose the designation.
Trying to give a hand at chibi drawing (request I see as a challenge!)
...and New Year's Resolution: to start making semi-coherent posts.
Meh, it's late, I always have that excuse.