The Censor 1.1

Nov 18, 2011 12:50

When I called the Marshall's house, I had this awkward conversation.

"Hello! This is Hannah Roberts, Vintswood's new censor. I'm calling to set up a time when the Marshall family can come to take their family portrait. You get a complimentary copy for your time."
"We can't."
"Pardon me?"
"It's my husband, Ralph, he's not here."
"Well, we can set up a time when he is avail--"
"No! He's gone!"
"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. I can call ---"

"He's not dead! Well, I hope he's not. He's missing! He's missing..."
This is when Mrs. Marshall broke down into tears. So much so, that I hung up. She wasn't coming back to the phone.

Missing? I'd never heard an adult so upset, not even when my parents divorced two years ago. Speaking of which, I guess I should call Dad to schedule his family's portrait with me and Mom.
"He Dad! I need to ---"

"Not now Hannah. Brandi and I went to the matinee and left Dustin to babysit. When we came home, Skip wasn't in his crib."
"Do you want me to come over?"
"No, he's probably just playing hide-n-seek. I'll call you later, hon."
"Okay Dad."

Dad had married Brandi Broke after he and Mom split up. She was expecting their first daughter next month. Skip was Brandi's youngest from her first marriage.

Oh well, I guess I'll go watch TV for a little while before it's time to cook dinner. Mom is at work today, probably voting on a new bill that Mayor Roth suggested. He wants to set aside some money from the town's budget just to give high school students their first semester in college. Mom and another two senators are against this and say all college earnings should be based on merit. It doesn't matter to me either way. It doesn't affect me as I've already been accepted, but I've also got the grades to get me into university even without the first semester being paid for. Mayor Roth is quite rich, and to jump start the new university near Vintswood he's actually paid for all the teens who graduated with his daughter to go to university free for their first semester. Out of his own pocket. He's just trying to use the town's money for the next group, I guess.

About six, it's time to make dinner. I wonder where Mom is. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ busy? When was the last time Mom's office phone was ever busy? I'll try again after a minute or so.

Oh good, it went through this time; "Hey Mom what's up?"

"It's so good to hear your voice, Hannah. It's been wild in here."
"What's going on? Why was the line busy?"
"You haven't heard? That's right you don't watch SNBC, you watch the Yum Channel. Things have been going crazy. A lot of missing persons. People have just disappeared."

"What do you mean 'disappeared'?"
"Just that. We've got an officer's husband, several children, a few of our elderly. People all over town have just up and vanished. Oh-I've got to go! There's an emergency meeting. Turn on the news and don't wait up for me."

Wow. Children? How can little kids disappear? Adults and teens can just not call home or be hanging out with friends, but kids? Little Skip! Oh no!
Dad.... answer your phone Dad! Has my dad disappeared to?

"Oh, hey Brandi. Is Dad missing too?"
"No, he's just out with the neighbors checking the woods. We can't find Skip."

I could tell she was about to cry, so I told her I hoped they find him soon and got off the phone with her.

After flicking on the news, I listened while I made some dinner. There was a lot of talking between news anchors, a few words from Mayor Roth asking people not to panic and to report anyone missing but not to harass the police. They were doing all they could with the limited resourced they had. Police Chief Ramirez even made a statement that so far there were only 14 people missing, but the phone lines were still ringing. The news went on to sports then and I turned it off and headed to bed.

I stirred awake around 2 am, when Mom came home. She came into my room and just watched me from the doorway for a few minutes.

In the morning when I woke up Mom was already getting ready for work. "Remember to pack the last of your things, Hannah, tomorrow is your dorm's move-in day."
"Even with so many people missing?"
"I'm sure classes will start at the end of the week even if half the town went missing. I've heard the dean is very business-minded."

"How many people are missing, Mom?"
"Last count was 21. I know it doesn't sound like a lot but we only have about 220 people in Vintswood, that's close to 10% of the population."

"It makes matters worse when it's so close to people we know. Did they ever find little Skip?"

She just shook her head.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I'd say stay home, so I know you're safe, but if toddlers can be taken from their cribs, no place is safe." She dumped the rest of her coffee in the sink and walked out of the kitchen.

I decided that as much as I didn't want to be censor, I might be able to help somehow. So I went to the police station downtown.

Officer Cleveland was at the front desk when I arrived. "Hey Officer Cleveland!"

"Hey there Hannah, what can I do for you? Not another missing persons report, I hope."
"No, I was just wondering if I could help. Since I'm censor, maybe I could see if any of the people missing have any connections."

"Can I get a list of the people missing?"
"I'm afraid not, we're not releasing those names just yet. I'm sure calling around and asking your friends would get you that info, though."
"Oh, okay. Thanks for the suggestion. Can you answer a few general questions?"
"I can try."

"Is the list still at 21?" He nodded once. "Have family members disappeared together or whole families?"
"Some people might be related, but only one person from any given household is missing."
"Is little Skip the only toddler?"

"I'm sorry Hannah, I can't answer that."

That's when Chief Ramirez walked up.
"Another one, Jason?"
"No sir, she's just asking a few questions."

"The best thing to do," the chief said turning to me, "is go home and go about your business. We're doing everything we can and don't need wannabe reporters bothering us."
"I just though that with being censor, I could help find any connections among the missing people."
"I know who you are. We've got part of our team working on it. Go home Miss Roberts."

I took my leave of the two men and went on back home. I pulled out my censor paper work and started calling my friends first.

Fricorith's cell phone rang a few times before someone picked up. And it wasn't Fricorith.

"Hey, this is Hannah, is Fricorith around?"
"Oh, hey girl. it's Gvaudion." She sounded close to tears.
"He's one of the missing."
"Oh. Oh wow. I'm sorry V."

"Yeah. So I'm helping Aunt Jennail babysit. Aunt Ann is missing too."

"How are Velvet and Vlad handling it?"
"Well, we've been blunt with Vlad, he's only a year younger than Fricorith and I, but we're skirting the truth with Velvet. Since no one really knows what's going on."

"Do you know anyone else who's missing?"
"I've heard Hal Capp is gone, and one of the Monty boys, don't know which one, though. You researching as censor?"
"Something like that. Chief Ramirez basically kicked me out of the station earlier for offering to help."

"That's strange. I would think someone who knew the town and people's histories and secrets would be helpful, might spot similarities and connections that someone else might not. Oh well, unofficial business then."
"Yeah.Thanks V. Sorry again, I hope I can help find them."

Okay, let's look at the list so far. Fricorith Tricou is an "on the fringe" guy like me. V's Aunt Ann. Amarantha Tricou, is a single mom, a widow with two kids. Skip Jr., my stepbrother, a cute little toddler. Hal Capp, an heir to one of the richest and oldest families in town. Same with one the Monty boys--whether it's Romeo or Mercutio. The last that I know of so far is Mr. Ralph Marshall, the police officer's husband.

Maybe I should call Lilith, another "on the fringe" girl in our group.

"Pleasant residence."
"Hello, is Lilith available?"
"Who's calling?"
"Oh, this is Hannah Roberts, one of her friends."
"Well, she's not here anymore, so don't call back." Click.

Wow, okay, I knew her family didn't like her, but to be rude over the phone like that? I wonder, is Lilith Pleasant missing too?  Perhaps the Pleasant family just doesn't want everyone to know. It's not like they haven't kept things hidden in the past. I mean they kept the fact that Mary-Sue was adopted by Herb and Coral rather than their biological daughter a secret. I don't know how or why, seeing as she doesn't look anything like her parents.

Let me see, who else can I call? Ophelia!
I can call Ophelia. She's basically a part of the Smith family anyway. That way I can see if the missing include aliens or followers of The Goddess as well. 

"Hey Ophelia, it's Hannah. It's good to hear your voice."
"Oh really? You know I don't swing that way."

"Silly trout! You know what I mean. Well, maybe not. Both Lilith and Fricorith are missing."
"Wow. We've got a pretty large group missing out here. Three girls from Johnny's sister's brothel: Chloe Curious-Smith, Tara Kat, and Ginger Newson. Ripp's not answering his phone either. Oh, and Colleen Curious, Vidcund's wife. She's eight months pregnant too."
"I have a feeling that whoever has taken these people didn't care about gender or age."
"Age? I thought it was only teens and adults that went missing."
"No, my stepbrother's gone too."
"Skippy? Oh man, that must be scary for Brandi."
"It's got us all worried."

"Have you finished packing for the dorm?"
"Oh carp! I knew there was something I was forgetting!"

"You and your fish swear words. Too funny!" she chocked out between laughs.
"It's not that funny," I said unamused.

"Do you really think the missing were taken?"
"Yeah, I mean, adults can decide to walk away, but with Skip in the mix, someone had to nab him."
"Who though?"
"I don't know yet. But I plan to find out."
"Good luck! I'll see you in the dorm tomorrow, okay?"
"All right. see you tomorrow."

After I had finished throwing my things into a suitcase or two, I stopped over at Mom's office at the courthouse downtown. I thought about sneaking about and trying to eavesdrop, but decided that I didn't need to get arrested again anytime soon.* That would definitely put a damper on my university plans and my plans to find out what happened to the missing people.

"Hey Mom!"
"Hannah! What are you doing here?"
"Just wanted to see if you wanted me to go pick up dinner from the little diner on the corner, wasn't sure if you were going to be home for food tonight. ...and I wanted to know if I could have the list of people who have gone missing."

"Huh? That list was supposed to be out already. On the news, posted flyers all over town, and a number to call to listen to a list of those people. Have you not seen those?"
"There's no flyers and when I went to the Police Station this morning Chief Ramirez and Officer Cleveland refused to give it to me. Basically kicked me out for asking for it."
"That's strange. Senator Russell was suppose to have a press conference first thing this morning. Mayor Roth decided it would be best for the people to have access to that list, to help ease the panic. Let me call Senator Russell, hang on a minute."

"Hey Trenton, it's Patience. I just got a call saying that the list of missing people hasn't been made public, Roth put you in charge of that -- what's going on?"
"Hello Patience. I was going to do the press conference this morning, but Chief Ramirez advised me against it. He said to hold it to  stop any wannabe reporters or copycat criminals that might hinder the investigation."
"Mayor Roth overrides whatever Ramirez advises, you know that."
"I'll reschedule the press conference for tomorrow then, despite what Ramirez says. I hope there isn't any backlash like he's expecting from it."

"I'm sure you heard that, Trenton is a loud talker." I nodded. "So I'm going to go ahead and give you the list of missing people. I think it's only right. I'd give it to you anyway -- because you're censor, because you're my daughter, and because you have a right to know, just like the rest of the people in town. We're a small town, it's important that we stick together in this. There's already a group of women gathering supplies for when we find them."
"If you don't mind me asking Mom, who's in that group?"
"Faith Goodie, Isabel Dreamer, Bianca Monty, Catherine Viejo, Betty Goldstein, Carrie Curious, Ana Patel, Priya Ramaswami, and  Samantha Ottomas. Several of those women have family who are missing. Their nurturing nature is in overdrive to help them cope with their worry."
"Thanks Mom. Let me go get us some dinner."


author's notes:
> If you don't recognize the extra non-premade characters that's quite all right by me. They are actually downloads from Thsms204's Riverside. (I changed some of their names slightly.) I like to include them in my megahood because they are more open ended, and don't have the stigma that some of the other premades have to be or act a certain way. So none of the sims you see were created by me. Either they are premades, Riverside sims, or spawned by the game.
> * This is referencing the one picture of the Roberts family on Thsms204's site. In my mind, Hannah was relatively a good kid, but when she became a young teen, she started acting out due to the stress of her parents' failing marriage. Once they divorced she stopped being rebellious. She's still "goth" if you will. I didn't want the goth stereotype to characterize her too much, so in her world those that live differently/see the world a different way/dress differently etc are called "on the fringe."
> Hannah will have compiled the list of missing sims with their pictures by chapter 2, so you all get to see who's missing too.
> Oh, and for those who are curious, the news anchors are Patricia Wan, Jessie Wade (townie husband to Natasha Una), Marissa Cleveland, and Sophia Jocque.

the censor, chapter one, story, hannah

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