What's wrong Astrid?
This is what you want me to live in?
Yep, for now.
It's that door.
What that black door? It's foreboding isn't it? I thought you were into that stuff.
I am, but, I mean, I like tasteful macabre. Not dirty, grungy, "this is the best we can do" macabre.
Come on, Astrid. It can't be that bad, can it?
Well, at least it's clean.
Astrid Brorskap
Family / Fortune
LTW: Reach Golden Anniversary
8/5/7/0/5 (very neat, active, & serious)
+ fitness, + werewolf, - red hair
favorite colors: red & black
Astrid is a lone wolf looking to find a family. She's head strong and a natural leader. She can't tolerate crazy and she's into the morbid & macabre.
Random Babble: Bonus points to whoever got the references. She did get one mortgage shrub (but only the 1,000 simoleon one!) So I made a new neighborhood that I called Riverston and plonked down a few of my favorite houses. And decided I'd give
NaLeWriMo a go. (If only to get my mind off waiting for our house loan to go through.) The challenge is to get through 4 generations in one month. Which doesn't sound too hard, but the last few I've done died ended I got bored at gen 3, so we'll see. I added 32 townies from all these custom sims I keep downloading, but since I really only play premades I never felt right adding them to those neighborhoods. So if you happen to see your sim, awesome! Leave a comment and I'll credit. Any others that I know, I'll credit the first time they show up. So not all sims might be seen. If they already had a last name, I kept it. Except for the few good genes sims that I combined last names (like Tricotto for Tricou-Curous-Ottomas & Smycurim for Smith-Curious-Kim.)
Weeee, time to go play now.