Barf and fun stuff like that....

Jun 17, 2005 11:53

So recently I've been keeping a private (just for me) area on my lj.
It's helped me to write down EVERYTHING thats going on in my mind and not worry about who's reading it or what someone is going to say or think about it. Cause no one sees it.
So with any luck, I'll have less ranty and complainy public posts.

I am sick tho, I think its the flue. I've feeling sick since tuesday and I've been throwing up since yesterday morning.
Bonus of being sick..I think I look thinner.
I managed to keep some bread and juice down last night, but today I had an apple and a piece of toast and tea, and I threw it up.

Yesterday I was going to stay at home, but then decided as a nice surprise I'd pick my friend up from work....
So I show up a little early, so I dont miss him. I wait...I wait some hour goes by and I think "this is odd, he's normally out by now! even when he works over time". I eventually call the place and ask if he's still there, the girl on the phone checks and says "he's not here". I decide to try and catch him on the way home or try his house (just in case he got off early). He's not home either. Eventually I decide I'm giving up, my trip has been for nothing and I'm not going to try surprising people any more...AND THATS WHEN HE SHOWS UP.
It was frustrating at the time, but kinda funny when I look back at it.

Today I'm doing a bunch of stuff...
-spending time with mum and Nanny.
-trying to keep solids in my tummy.
-getting my birth control pills.
-grocery shopping
-trying to find my friend a cheep phone.
-finish my first paper (which is way overdue)

lj, sicky, to do list, cockynfunny

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