I think this
little fellow and I are feeling the same way today!! ooh hangovers are never good.
I have a rather tender tummy due to too much alchamahol in it.
Today Nessa and I went to granville island, spending time in Opus to drool upon everything (and I got some of my supplies for school).
Went to le chateau and Nessa found some super cute things to buy.
Went over to the Bay to look at their makeup selection...it wasnt so good. so we headed to Sears and the girl at Makeup Forever put foundation, power and concealer on me and by golly I looked snazzy! (when I can, I'll be going back there to buy some stuff)
Had $1 pizza for lunch (I kinda picked mine apart and was feeling to ick to finish it all) and then headed down to Dressew to browse and drool upon everything there as well!
I found a knitting pattern magazine for 99cents *woot*
After looking in a couple more places we decided it was time to head back to the car, dropped Nessa off at home and borrowed her copy of the Devil Wears Prada.
I got home to find my mother going to bed with the flu (poor mummy needs to feel better).
I couldnt eat...still feeling ick.
I lay down to read and totally crashed out for a couple hours.
I just spilled scalding tea on my hand.
oh and happy valentines day everybody