I got up way too early this morning so I could be a sweet and wonderful person and drive someone to work... I cant get back to sleep.
Forrest and Hamish (the kittens) and running around and being CRAZY, I suppose I could shove them in the office and be done with it but I feel so awake now! crappalopalos!
so i found this amusing
video online (oh how I love the numa numas of the kittens)... I wonder if I can convince
Finn_mac_lir to teach the kittens to numa numa. then I would take them on the road and make millions of billions of dollars! hahaha They will be more popular then the back street boys! Or something.
Boy am I tired. I'm not sure if I'm going to bring my rollerskates and stuff to england with me...they could be in my carry-on I suppose?
I just dont want to go two weeks without any practicing....decisions decisions.
We went shopping yesterday! The Bay is having its big Bay Days sale on right now (mmmm sales) and I got two skirts and 4 bras (lol) plus I got to help pick out a suit and tie and stuff....it was like playing dress up *grin* . But by the time we managed to evade perfume counter sprayers and get roped into trying out tons of new face products, we stumbled bleary eyed and confused into the sunshine and discovered we had been in there for 3 hours! I had a serious case of Mall-itus!
Plus I was starving, so the idea was just grab a burger or something quick and then go back to the house to do laundry and I could continue my 1/2 dozen knitting/crocheting projects! But alas it was FRIDAY, which means no meat *sigh* so it was sushi for dinner instead. Sushi is always a good idea for dinner.
I'm on the last of the 3 dvds in the aonflux box set. I want to see the live action one when it comes onto video...I cant believe I missed it while it was in the theatres! I kept meaning to go see it. poopsor! *grumbles*
now to go see if my clothes are dry (no dryer so they are hanging up)
(must find a top and some new shoes to go with skirts!)