Dec 22, 2006 20:54
This afternoon at 11 I left the office for a 10 day respite from work. YAY!!
The low down:
Work is good
Paul is great
Cody is out of town but also great (his grades were better - no F's)
All the four legged and slithery critters seem to be doing well
We leave tomorrow for Iowa - we'll be flying back in on Monday. Tuesday is an us day - recoup from the trip, spend time together. The good stuff. Wednesday I'm spending with Linda. Thursday night - Sherry's bday thing (you want anything special?). Friday is open, Saturday is open. Sunday - NYE - having dinner at Flyte then heading to John and Sara's. Monday recouperate from NYE followed by picking up Cody from the airport. (My mom was super cool and bought him a plane ticket home.)
Seems a shame that there are two days in there with nothing in them. I should fix that. What's going on next Friday and Saturday?