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Sep 30, 2006 10:35

Check it out: http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060930/COUNTY10/609300347
And read the "reader comments" anyone who knows me and knows what's going on - please comment.

We also got a call this morning from a "concerned christian" it went like this:
"Yes sir, I'm a concerned christian, was that your wife who objected to the bibles ( Read more... )


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viylette September 30 2006, 22:40:14 UTC
part 2

Yes, it was go back and read your post-Reconstruction era History about all the religious groups coming here for religious freedom. And while you are doing that go back and read about England's Reformation and understand why people came to the Americas in the first place. The Protestants were looking for freedom from the radical Christians beliefs. So Christians, running away from other Christian zealots. So a group of Christians come here and take over land from a people that them deemed "heathens" because they did not have the same belief structure they did. And so the trend continued. Anyone who does not think like the Christian concious is deemed unfit and not of the same moral character.

The mother should contemplate homeschooling her child if she is concerned that he be exposed to the ideas she believes in. One person's complaint should not take away the right of the vast majority of people who believe that passing out bibles to schoolchildren is a good thing.

Why should she have to home school her child? When did being in the majority make anything right? That child and the mother have the same rights as the rest of the children and parents of that school. Just because she doesn't agree with the majority doesn't mean her thoughts are less valid. No one is telling Christians they can't have the Bible, just don't distribute it in class. Have your Bible at home. Why is it so important about distributing in class? What exactly are the Gideons trying to accomplish? If so many people there are Chrisitians, shouldn't they already have a Bible at home?

Everything people put here is opinion. I am just trying to show support for someone that I think has a valid point. Not everyone is of the same mindset. And no matter what your belief it should be respected. And if ONE person has a problem with the material being distributed, it should stop. Children are at school to be educated not preached too.

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sherrygrrl October 1 2006, 01:03:12 UTC
Terrific, Tracie! I love this kind of debate!


viylette October 1 2006, 12:14:25 UTC
Thanks. :) Everyonce and a while I get fired up. I try to pick and choose what debates I participate in.


katz_meow_712 October 1 2006, 02:14:30 UTC
Tracie honey - you rock!!


viylette October 1 2006, 12:15:00 UTC
Just trying to help a sista out. Doesn't help that they give me so much material to work with.


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