Updates - we made the news

Sep 30, 2006 10:35

Check it out: http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060930/COUNTY10/609300347
And read the "reader comments" anyone who knows me and knows what's going on - please comment.

We also got a call this morning from a "concerned christian" it went like this:
"Yes sir, I'm a concerned christian, was that your wife who objected to the bibles ( Read more... )


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and yet more viylette September 30 2006, 22:39:52 UTC
part 1...again

I have read over the posts and I have yet to read where someone is being judgmental of the mother.

When people take the time to insult someone without even knowing them, I find that judgemental. Here are examples of what people who follow the Christian faith say "Tell her to shut the pie-hole and get a life.", "this wacko is offended because they offered her son a free bible?", "What a bunch of politically correct MORONS this country has become.....", "I would think it would be beneficial to learn values.... ". These are just a few direct quote examples of people being judgemental. In those statements they are insulting, rude, and suggest that she does not have values. Why? Because she does not have the same belief structure as the people who posted the comments? I don't find that to be a valid reason for being judgemental. But, it all comes down to semantics, your interpretation and mine may be polar opposites much like societies interpretation to religious text.

Neither is anyone being intolerant.

This one I will have to disagree on. They are being intolerant because no one is trying to see her side of things other than to imply she is of poor moral character to not think the same as a majority. But, you say they (Christians) are just strongly disagreeing with her position. Ok, so you (Christians) strongly disagreeing with her position about not liking the Bibles distributed is different from her position of not wanting the Bibles distributed in class how? You are basically saying it is ok to not agree with her beliefs, but not ok for her to disagree with your (Christians) beliefs. You are right it is a difference of opinion and her one opinion is just as valuable as everyone else's.

However, most of these values we place such importance on in our society is a direct result of christianity's (and Jewish) influence in the world.

This is straight up YOUR opinion. Show me ANY factual proof that these positive qualities have any direct correlation of Christian faith and values. Christianity may have adopted those already extablished qualities and thus integrated them into their preachings, but thay have in no way influenced the world by them. The qualities have been and will always be there, with or without Christianity. Christianity may vocalized them, but so do other non-Chrisitian groups and mediums. Again, these are not their trademarked beliefs. Plenty of groups outside Christianity are positive role models.

But, I have yet to see an atheist so committed to love and charitable giving as most christians are. Most atheists I have encountered have been hateful and intolerant of Christianity.

And I have seen plenty of Atheists and other religions groups do charity work and support their community. And conversely most of my interactions with Chrisitian groups/people have been negative because they are so intolerant of anyone's opinion that does not agree with their own. And I have seem first hand how Chrisitians deal with people that don't agree with them. And it is not pretty. And maybe the reason so many Athesits and other groups do notlike Christians is because when you politely refuse to agree with them, them get hateful, rude, and downright mean. Or harass you about why you are going to hell, or why you are a bad person, or any other negative thing they can think of.

Meanwhile, our country was NOT founded on a melting pot of religious faiths.


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