kara just called

Oct 02, 2005 16:51

what is your name; lauren duffield
if you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been; jake
would you name a child of yours after you; no
if you had to switch first names with a friend of yours, who would you switch with; heather
what's the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name; my last name
if you were to become famous, would you drop your last name; yea.. i hate it

Deep theological questions..
do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell; sure
do you think God has a gender; yea..
do you think science counteracts religion: …
do you believe in organized religion; whatever
where do you think we go when we die; umm.. away, but here in a way
do you feel a little funny thinking about the questions in this section; yea

how easy is it to make you laugh; easy
what person you know makes you laugh the most; frances
do you laugh at jokes you know you shouldn't; lol.. sometimes
do you tell jokes you know you shouldn't; no
what words instantly make you laugh or at least smile;
what do you think is the funniest thing you've ever said or written;
do you ever dance to music when nobody's watching; yup.. all the time
what is/are the worst song(s) you have ever heard; sry heather, but metal
what song(s) do you wish you could understand a little better; …
what song(s) are constantly in your head; ask kara.. she put it there
what song(s) do you think describe your personality best; probably alt. rock
if you were to serenade the object of your affections, which song(s) would you use; r&b.. to help the mood
if the object of your affections were to serenade you, what song(s) would you hope he or she used; …

what movie(s) do you love that nobody else seems to; end of the world
do you agree with the idea that sequels are always worse than the original; yea.. most of the time
who's your favorite Star Wars character; the princess... i forget her name
what kind of movie do you think there should be more of; end of the world
what movie(s) do you simply not understand the appeal of; horror

when eating, are you more concerned with taste or healthiness; taste
what's your favorite kind of cheese; colby jack
what do you think your answer to the previous question reveals about your personality; i love cheese=) and im a very easy going person
if you knew exactly what went into Chinese food, hamburger meat, etc., would you still eat it; umm…
do you ever feel guilty eating meat; no

mac or PC; pc and my great laptop
how much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer, as long as it works; um.. somewhat.. i gotta figure things out
do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversation; sometimes.. but talking on the phone is better cuz im slow
do you find you're different talking through IMs than face-to-face or on the telephone; no
have you ever ended bid on something on eBay and regretted it later; yea

The battle of the sexes..
have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender; sometimes.. being a girl sucks sometimes
what do you love most about the other gender; their eyes, personality, and body
what do you dislike most about the other gender; …
what do you understand least about the other gender; their thinking about things

do you sometimes see a movie or watch a show just because a good-looking celebrity is in it; of course
what celebrity's autograph do you want most; chad michael murrary
have people ever said you looked like a celebrity, and if so, who; no
if there was to be a movie about you, who do you think should play you (in personality, looks or both); julia stulis
does it ever annoy you when you know someone is a celebrity but you can't remember why; lol..
if you could enter any celebrity's mind like in "Being John Malkovich", whose would you enter; umm…
do you want to be John Malkovich; nope

do you laugh when you hear or read the number 69; sometimes
were you lying about your answer to the previous question; lol..
do you actually know your Social Security Number; yea
do you actually know your IP address; um..
do you know what an IP address is; lol..
do you know the four-character extension on your ZIP code; yea
ever thought there were too many numbers floating around in our lives; yea
does your head begin to hurt when you think of infinity, imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, etc.; no
what do you think of pi; 3.14

Love, sex and all that..
did you get a little frightened or uncomfortable seeing this as a section title; no
if someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel; umm..
do you prefer getting to know someone first before dating them or going in "blind"; getting to know first
could you carry on a relationship with someone with the same first name as a family member; yea..
have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out; not really
what's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment; um.. go for if u think theres no emotional commitment.. but its always sticky
have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive; no
do you think the opposite sex finds you good-looking; i don’t thin so.. but i know one guy that does
would you be willing to give up sex in exchange for an emotional commitment you knew would last; no
do you think the number of the last question was a coincidence; ..

what is your favorite possession; eyes
what physical, tangible possession do you want most; face
how badly do you want it; really bad
have you ever seen 'The Exorcist'; yea
how long did it take you to understand why the last question is in this section; im slow.. remember

does Christmas music too far away from Christmas annoy you; hell yes
how old do you think you will be before you stop liking getting older; never.. im too old right now
what was the best Halloween costume you ever had; kitty cat
what was the worst Halloween costume you ever had; ghost
what holiday do you think has still managed to retain its original meaning; xmas
there are currently no federal holidays during August- what should be put there; end of summer

how good is your short-term memory; haha..
how good is your long-term memory; what long-term memory?
what is your earliest memory; being throw in the pool in cali. when i was 4.. i think
what is your happiest memory (other than receiving this survey); me and my brother laughing about stupid shit on a dock by lake tahoe
what is your strangest memory; being in the hospital
what song, movie, etc. do you wish you could memorize; the breakfast club

what movie makes/made you cry; the notebook
what book makes/made you cry; a walk to remember
what song makes/made you cry; sarah beth
what makes/made you laugh so hard you cried; whatever the hell my dad comes back and said

Three truly random questions..
would you like to be cloned; sure.. why not
do you wish you could be alive when the world was ending, just to experience it; yea
scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango; k

This survey..
do you think that one hundred and one questions is too long; nope cuz im really bored as always
do you think the one hundred interesting questions actually were interesting; maybe
are you sorry you began filling it out; kinda.. but whatever
what question do you wish it had asked; i dunno
how would you have answered it; same way

The two most important questions..
(100) When was the last time you let the people you love know you love them; lol.. last week
(101) What do you want the people who are reading this survey to know; im not crazy for doing survey im just bored and it takes up time.. and love to everyone who actually read this whole thing=)
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