(no subject)

Feb 06, 2004 13:46

i am not a racist person. i am not prejudice. i don't pick and choose who i will and will not speak to based on skin color. but could some one please explain to me what a "minority" is anymore? it's not black people. it's not chinese, mexican, indian people. i honestly think that a white male is more of a "minority" now than any other person. think about it. two men go in for a job interview. one is black, the other is white. the white man has more education, more experience, more training than the black man. but the black man gets the job. why? because of quotas that need to be filled. and i won't say white women are a minority. we can still scream sexual harassment and more than likely get the man in question convicted. why? because the last thing any judge wants is some women's lib. group to come parading through the court house, yelling about sexual discrimination. and i'm not saying that there isn't still a hint of oppression. but can we get over it please? to this day, some "minorities" are pissed about slavery. you weren't there!!! maybe, just maybe, my ancestors enslaved yours. maybe. but i didn't do it. i wasn't a part of it. i'm sorry that at one point, people sucked. i'm sorry that your ancestors had to endure that. i'm sorry that in africa, tribes enslaved members of other tribes. and when white men came to africa, the tribes sold slaves to white men. sold members of their own race. white people are crazy as fuck. i'll admit it. we've done more screwed up shit than god. but, i was never there!!!!!!!! another thing: some people go to college just because of their skin color. the naacp, for example. is there a waacp? nope. b.e.t is another example. black entertainment television. is there a w.e.t? and some people will say that b.e.t is needed because there are so many white television shows that depict black people poorly. really? where? when i can turn on "the w.b" and see a black guy go about normal life, and here comes the one white person, either dorky as hell or bound and determined to be black.

i'm just wondering when "being equal" actually means "being equal", instead of trying to make it up to "minorities" for things they (and we) never had any part of. ban the word. i don't think it really exists anymore.
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