I received an e-mail last week from someone who had discovered my pb, FARMER MCPEEPERS AND HIS MISSING MILK COWS online. The e-mail was from Susan Lawson, the coordinator for the Storybook Project. I'll admit, at first I was skeptical (I've received plenty of requests for book donations), but the more I read, the more intrigued I became. What a wonderful, worthwhile project. With Susan's permission, I've pasted her e-mail below. If any of you have pb's (pb's or early readers only, please) that you'd like to donate, Susan's contact info is included. Granted, I have never met Susan in person and I really know very little about her organization, but her e-mail touched me. A copy of FARMER now sits tucked in an envelope on the corner of my desk addressed to the Storybook Project. I'm sure Susan would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please read on if you'd like to contribute--
I am writing on behalf of an organization that I work for Lutheran Social Services of Illinois. I am the Storybook Coordinator for a program called the Storybook Project. Each month, I and a group of volunteers enter Southwestern Illinois Correctional Center in East St. Louis. We bring in 240 new children’s books each month and allow each inmate to select a book for their child. The inmate is then allowed to read it onto a cassette tape which I later mail with the book to their child. Last month alone, our program enabled 82 men to send out over 100 story books to their children for the month of October. Needless to say, I am always looking for organizations or individuals that are willing to donate books to our program. Since I am unsure if you would be interested in helping, I decided to send this message of inquiry. We use both religious & non-religious based children’s books for our program. Below you will find our website, I thought you might be interested to know more about our organization. Know that your time and attention are deeply appreciated. May God Bless you with his abundant favor!
http://www.lssi.org/ Love In Christ,
Susan Lawson,
L.S.S.I. Storybook Coordinator
2309 Holiday Lane
Maryville, IL 62062
email: susan.lawson@charter.net