Drabble: A Most Peculiar Apple (Harry Potter - Remus/Tonks)

Dec 12, 2011 22:34

Title: A Most Peculiar Apple
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairing: Remus/Tonks
Rating / Warnings: PG
Word Count: 471
Summary:  Tonks arrives at Grimmauld Place after a long shift and finds an unusual apple in the fruit bowl.  Set early OOTP.
Author’s Note:  Written as a present for my good friend shimotsuki’s birthday with the prompt “apple”.  The Whovians will recognise that the pattern on the apple was inspired by Amy’s apple in The Eleventh Hour ;)

A Most Peculiar Apple

Arriving at Grimmauld Place after a long shift Tonks found the kitchen empty.  She pulled out a chair and heaved herself up to sit on the table placing her feet on the chair.  She took off her bag and coat, placed them on the table beside her and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl in the centre of the table.  She was just about to bite into it when something caught her eye.  Someone had carved a face into the side; two eyes and a smiley mouth stared up at her.  She frowned.  Who on earth would do such a thing and leave it in a bowl for anyone to find?  True, two pranksters lived in the house but carving a face on an apple hardly seemed in their league.  It was more the type of action to draw a quiet smile than the raucous laughter they usually specialised in.  She rocked the chair back and forward with her feet as she perused the item.  Lost in thought, she didn’t hear someone enter the kitchen.

“Hello Tonks.”  She glanced up to find Remus smiling down at her. “What have you got there then?”

“A most peculiar apple.”

“Is that so?”  He walked around the table and leaned against the side facing her, crossing his arms and ankles.  She took a moment to admire how the stance complemented his lean form and then switched her gaze back to the apple.

She held it up to show him.  “Someone appears to have carved a face on it.”

His eyes flickered to the apple with a slight smirk that was gone so quick she thought she may have imagined it.  “Who would have done such a thing?”

“That’s what I’m trying to work out.  It’s too whimsical for Sirius.  Molly might have done something like this for the kids but seeing as they’re not here...”

“Hmm, you’re right, that is a mystery.”

Noting the amusement in his voice Tonks looked back up at him.


He grinned.  “Why are you so surprised?  Too whimsical for me too?”

She giggled.  “No, I just...Why?”

He stepped forward and took the apple out of her hand. “I just noticed that you had a habit of coming in here as soon as you arrived and eating an apple from the bowl.  I thought it might make you smile after a tough shift.”

She beamed, her heart bursting at the idea he’d do something so sweet and silly just for her.  They had been dating for a few weeks and she thought she was beginning to know him, but sometimes he really surprised her.  As she tipped her head up to kiss him, she thought that if he carried on like that she would be in very great danger of falling head over heels in love with him.

fics, harry potter, remus, tonks, friends, r/t

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