Drabble: Calm After The Storm (Harry Potter)

Jul 14, 2011 23:07

Title: Calm After The Storm
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairing: NymphadoraTonks, Remus Lupin  Remus/Tonks
Rating/ Warnings: PG
Word Count: 384
Summary:  Set early OOTP.  Tonks arrives at Grimmauld Place after a frustrating day in the Ministry.
Author’s Note: Requested by sspring92 .  One of a number of drabbles dedicated to my Nana.


Tonks slammed the door of Grimmauld Place ain frustration, it had been one of those days and she’d arrived at the house in search of sympathy.  The door slam awoke the picture of her Great Aunt, as she knew it would.  She rather relished the opportunity to give her a piece of her mind.  She stood in front of the painting, hands on her hips and a glare in her eyes as it started shrieking.

“Come on then Aunty,” she shouted, “give it your best shot!  Oh let me guess, I’m a half-blood freak who’s a stain on the Black Family Tree?  Well?  What are you gonna do about it?  Oh that’s right not much you can do is there you old hag?  You’re dead! You’re just a painting.  You can shriek and shout but you can’t actually do anything!”

“Is everything alright?”

The new voice startled Tonks out of her rant.  She looked up at the source and met the tired but kind eyes of Remus Lupin.  Guiltily she remembered that the full moon had been the previous night, he should be resting and she’d disturbed him.

“Remus!  I’m so sorry!” She apologised as she quickly pulled the curtain back over the portrait to drown out her Great Aunt’s tirade.  “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“You didn’t, I was headed downstairs anyway.  Fancy a cuppa?”

“Yes please.”  She nodded and followed him down to the kitchen.

She slid into a chair at the kitchen table and watched as he put the kettle on and prepared the tea.  She thought there was something very soothing about watching him make tea for her.

“So, bad day?”  He asked as he placed a mug in front of her and took a seat on the opposite side of the table.

She nodded.  “I really think Scrimgeour’s got it in for me, keeps giving me the crap jobs and questioning me about my social life.”

“What did you tell him?”

“The truth.  That I haven’t got one.”

She laughed weakly and they both sat in silence for a moment.  She looked up to find Remus watching her, they shared a soft smile and she felt a spark of something deep inside.  It felt nice and for the first time all day Tonks felt a sense of calm. 

ootp, remus, tonks, drabble, r/t

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