Aug 15, 2009 18:08

Snagged from jadeddiva  because she gave us some rather delicious Chris Pine pics, so I wanted to play :)  And because we all need some hotness in our day, especially when it's bloody raining again!

Answer the questions with pictures of the person/character you were tagged with. Comment on this post (strongly hint who you want me to choose) and I'll give you a person.

1. Choose a picture of the funniest face on your person.

Funny face and DT in a tux, what's not to love!

2. Choose a picture of your person eating

Blackpool gives us many lovely images of him eating, this just one :)

3. Choose a picture of your person with an animal.

Who's cuter lil kitty or The Doctor? Really it's just too close to call ;)

4. Choose a picture of your person with a member of the opposite sex.

With my girl Freema!  I love this pic, they're so cute!

5. Choose a picture where you would have sex with this person.

Oh yeah!!!!!

6. Choose a picture of your favorite outfit on this person.

Has to be the Brown Suit!  And the "I just snogged Madam de Pompadour" expression :)

7. Choose a picture of your person smiling.

Dimple FTW!

8. Choose a picture of your person half-naked.

It was between this and the naked bath pic from Blackpool but I ruled that one out as you could only really see arm and shoulder, here you get so much more ;)

9. Choose a picture of your person doing an outdoor activity.

Standing on some rocks in the fake outdoors looking broody totally counts as outdoor activity right??

10. Choose your favorite picture of this person.

I don't know why I love this pic so much but I do, he just looks so goddamn adorable!

I should say a big thanks to those lovely folks at dt_pic_daily  who brighten up my life every day and where I got a lot of these pics and also where I got the rest!

After spending a lovely hour or so looking up those delicious pics, I shall now get back to writing my metamorfic_moon  fic.  Which funnily enough seems to flow better after a glass of wine, so I'll go get another one of those too :)

david tennant, meme, pics

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