Drabble: How not to dress an infant (Harry Potter)

Aug 01, 2008 19:15

Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin returned from a hard day in the office and found her house in an uproar.  Clothes, toys and books lay strewn everywhere and there was no sign of her husband and son.  She heard giggling coming from the back garden and walked outside.  Her heart leapt at the sight of her husband swooping around the garden on his broom, a massive smile on his face and their young son clasped to his chest.

“Oh look Teddy, Mummy’s home!” he exclaimed as he swooped closer to her.

“Gah!” squealed Teddy as he raised his hands in anticipation of being lifting into his mother’s arms.

She cuddled her son close while beaming at her husband.  It was nice after a tiring day to come home to such a happy scene.  But as she surveyed her child something was not quite right.

“Remus?  Why’s Teddy only wearing one sock?”

The End

fics, harry potter, meme, friends, writing, drabble, r/t

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