Our two favourite hunters, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, are competing in the Vancouver Redbull Soapbox Race this weekend. Oh, boy. We are so going to need photos!
I was poking around the
official site for mention of the boys but couldn't find any, however, I did find the team list. Because the boys are competing for charity I don't think they have a team as such but reading through the list of team names perhaps I'm wrong...
I haven't looked at the any of the team details, so I have no idea if they are a part of any of the above teams but with names 'Ghostbusters - ECTO1' and 'The Grave Diggers', among others, it was all too easy to speculate. XD
2). I'm going to answer my comments from yesterday and then finish getting ready to meet team!shortbus.
3). Happy *insert appropriate day of the week*!
I'm pretty sure it's the weekend, or almost the weekend, for EVERYONE now, so 'ave a good one.