Why, yes, I am going to use that as my post title every time I post on a Tuesday. As Jo Dee Messina once sang, do you wanna make something of it? ;)
A word of warning. This is a long post. In fact, it's a really long post.
And, get this, it's about real life.
Today was my second day at a new job. I'm still with the same company but I'm in a different department, a different role and a different location. I'm still in the settling in stage, trying to work out what it is I'll actually be doing, as well as trying to suss out my physical surroundings.
I'm not sure about the actual work part of it at the minute. It's still fairly sketchy but I'm sure by the end of this week I'll have a better understanding of what goes on and what I'll be expected to do and how.
I'm really looking forward to the challenges it's going to offer and the team I will be working with is wonderful. In the long term I know I'm going to enjoy getting to know them and I have a feeling I've made the right move. It's going to be great.
On the other hand, being at the new location kinda sucks.
I used to work in a shopping & food district right on the edge of the Yarra River. Ten minutes walk from there and I was in Melbourne's CDB. Life was grand.
Now I work in a business district with nothing around except office buildings, office buildings and more office buildings. Food is expensive and it's crap. Instead of a river there is a main road. It takes me an extra 10-15 minutes to drive in of a morning making my total travel time, one way, 1 hour and 20 minutes. *sigh* Public transport takes at least that long too.
In the office I worked before, we had photos up everywhere. We had a huge space covered with funnies from magazines and photos people had taken of workmates and tins of tuna and feet. Mr Potato Head was up there so was
missyjack's representation of Jared and Jensen returning to work on Season 3. (Jensen=Eeyore & Jared=Tigger. If you haven't see it... look
here. It's brilliant!) I had a National Rugby League magnetic ladder on the wall. We had a bamboo plant called 'Bertie'. We had a growth chart for Bertie on the wall. He was growing like a weed. We had rubbish bins and desk draws and pens and notebooks. We talked. We laughed. We made noise. And we still managed to work a little. Life was grand.
Compare that now to my new office - The majority of people here have nothing on their desks. No photos. No personal items. Some have a calendar. I think they are the wild ones of the bunch. Up until about two o'clock this afternoon I didn't have a set of drawers. Luckily someone left at lunch time and I pinched theirs. I know what you're thinking. Would I jump in their grave as fast? Probably, yeah I would. It's a dog eat dog world. Oh, and when I say 'left' I mean 'left for good'. The resigned and today was their last day so it's not as if they came back from lunch and said, "Flamin' heck! Who stole my bloody drawers?"
There are no rubbish bins here either. I found this extremely strange, however, I think I've figured it out. It's a 'Save the Planet' initiative. We each have a recycle bin at our desks for clean paper and cardboard and cans and bottles but for rubbish type rubbish we have to get up and walk to one of the few bins around the floor, or pile it up on our desks for the end of the day. It's a good idea. Makes you recycle more.
In summary: My new office space is quite and sterile and seriously lacks character.
It's not the first time I've worked here. I worked on a different floor, a few years back, for about a year. It's funny, I remember it being a lot more professional, a lot more formal. So much so, that I went out and bought a whole heap of new 'business appropriate' clothing to wear because my previous work place was fairly casual. I really needn't have bothered. Still, it was a good excuse to get some new things. I even got new socks and Bonds undies. A new job is a great excuse to get new undies and you can never have too many, right? Hmm, actually, I was told once I did have too many. In fact, it made it into the Top 5 list of "Katy's Faults", as rated by someone I once knew. But, I digress...
Now, where was I? Oh, right. I was whining about my new location.
I really shouldn't whine too much because it's not that bad. Really. It's just different. A brave new World. Somebody pass the salt. Thanks.
Once I put some photos up and bring some things in from home, it'll all be good. Just because other people don't want to brighten up their work place and make it lovely, doesn't mean I can't. I'll try to bring my lunch from home to beat the high cost of food.
Ooh, I just thought of a plus - They sell Pepsi Max in the cafe on the ground floor. Whoo hoo! See, there are some positives. At the other place I had to walk at least 200 metres for a Max. *lol*
My Internet access is kind of funny. I do have access to the internet but... and it's a big BUT... I can't see LJ images or Photobucket images. If I try to display them I get a huge-ass bright red warning message saying something like, 'Blah. Blah. Internet policy. Blah. Blah. Access to this site is prohibited. Blah. Blah. Blah." Yikes! It only took me 10 minutes after I first logged onto the internet to get that message displayed. I wonder if that's a record?
At the end of the day, I'm excited about my new job but emo about the location. I'm sure I'll get over it. It's just a matter of getting used to it.
You know, if you'd left the cinema at the beginning of this post you'd be home by now ;)
Seriously, if you made it this far. Thank you for reading :)