Hey, Thursday! Pig 'n a Poke!

Aug 11, 2011 08:24

A long overdue and yet quick update...

I found a new job!!!
Or rather it found me.
Or rather we found each other in the car park of a local hardware store. (Somewhat long but true story.)
Whatever. It was meant to be.

It's been three months since my job was made redundant. Three months of no work, no routine, staying up late, sleeping in late, driving to Queensland & back, planting a veggie garden, discovering 'Hawaii Five-0' & 'Suits' & 'Alphas', money disappearing from my bank account, money not reappearing in my bank account, weekday outings with my mum & sister, tracky pants & jeans, and being at home with my cat, Winnie.

That all came to an end this week as I started full-time work for a teeny tiny IT company on Monday. Talk about culture shock going from a company with 10s of 1000s employees worldwide to a company with just 10!

It's now Thursday morning and I'm on the train in the way in. My daily commute consists of a bus, train, and a pleasant 10 minute walk along the main street and shopping strip of an extremely lovely suburb of Melbourne. Luckily, my lunch break is on 30 minutes otherwise I'd end up spending all my wages at lunch times. As it is, yesterday I discovered I could make it to JB HI FI, buy all three seasons of Roswell on DVD, and buy some lunch and still get back to the office within 30 minutes. Go me!

Oh, and I wasn't kidding about finding the job in a car park. I bumped into someone I knew in a previous life and after one of the more surreal "interviews" of my life a couple of days later (I still don't consider I've ever had a "proper" job interview) I had a job.

I've been extremely fortunate (lucky) with all my jobs and I am loving my new one so far. I'm pretty happy how things have worked out. :)

Well, this is my stop... Time for that pleasant walk. :)

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