☆ Dear LJ... It's been three weeks since my last Pig 'n a Poke post.
☆ It was Mum's birthday today. For her birthday, my sister and I are taking her to see the stage show,
Jersey Boys: The story of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons in a few weeks. It'll be like a girl's day out! \O/ For some reason I keep calling Frankie Valli 'Ritchie Valens' and I have to constantly remind myself, 'No, it's not La Bamba...'. *facepalm*
☆ It's my niece's birthday tomorrow. She turns 18. Happy Birthday, Lauz, but OMG! you're making me feel old. ;D
☆ The Great X-Files Re-Watch of 2009 has almost come to an end. It's kind of sad because I've enjoyed watching it watching it all again as much as I did the first time around. Perhaps even more because this time around the urge to strangle Mulder during S7 wasn't nearly as strong.
☆ As I type this I'm watching 9x13 and Burt Reynolds is doing card tricks in one of the quirkiest episodes of X-Files ever.
The first time I saw this episode I was overseas and I watched it in French without English subtitles. I didn't have a clue what was going on. When I got home from my holiday and watched it in English (I was such a fan I had my dad video tape all the episodes as they aired so I could watch them in order once I got back home) it become very apparent why I couldn't make head nor tail of the episode when I couldn't understand a word. I'm quite fond of this particular episode for that very reason. :D 'Aunt Vivian' from Pushing Daisies is also in it. It's amazing how many faces I've recognised throughout the nine seasons. :)
☆ Leverage Day tomorrow! \O/
I loved the season two premiere last week. It was great seeing the team getting back together. Poor Nate! The others just burst back into his life and at no point were they going to take no for an answer. Bless them. :)
☆ Time for bed. It's only 11:11PM but I'm exhausted.
☆ Happy Tuesday and good night!