Your Christmas Tree looks like this:
You know you definitely watch too much Supernatural when the angel on the very top of your Christmas Tree looks like this:
The Tree
The Decorations.
The best thing about the decorations is, my desk (and half the office) smells of strawberry. I keep expecting to turn around and see Strawberry Shortcake sitting at the desk behind me.
The Tree Skirt
I made the Christmas tree skirt over the weekend. I decided the tree needed one but couldn't find any suitable Christmassy material to use. Therefore I went with the next best thing - Gingham! \I think it's a nice contrast next to the stripy Candy Canes. *nods*
The Angel
He's a bit big and I'm not sure about his black wings. This one might end up coming home to go on the larger Christmas Tree and a new, smaller one with white wings might find residence on the work!tree.
The Angel... again
The Inspiration
The tree that inspired the treeThe angel that inspired the angel
I think Martha Stewart would be proud. :)