Dec 30, 2008 20:40
It's a tie, and they're actually both from this year:
$30 to put towards going to see Legally Blonde at Dallas Summer Musicals next July with Christy, Liz, Alisha, Anna, and Ashley. We're all so excited - we can't stop listening to the soundtrack. x]
An absolutely gorgeous cross necklace that Jeremy got me, despite the fact I insisted that he not get me anything at all.
Newsflash: Katy is, in fact, still alive and well!
For those of you that were somehow still unaware, I've been grounded from my laptop for ages.
But my mom let me use it today, and I think I may have it back for good. :)
My Christmas was pretty nice. My family went with a bunch of people from church to feed the homeless in Dallas that morning, and then I spent the rest of the day at Christy's house, and I took bunchessssss of pictures..
Lots of which are available for viewing on my devART, of course. ^^ It was ooooodles of fun.
I finally got to see Jeremy yesterday. :) I spent the afternoon hanging out at his house.
He took me down to the creek by his house... But there was another couple sitting at the best crossing point making out,
and we're like, "Well.... This is awkward." So we just went back to his house after that. x]
Thennnn we played Rock Band! :D I've missed playing drums sooo much. (Matt managed to break our foot pedal. Ugh.)
We eventually got sick of playing Rock Band ("Green Grass and High Tides" will do that to you..)
so Jeremy started playing Madden '08. He played as the 49ers and beat the complete crap out of the Raiders. :)
... Then his mom decided we needed to go out to eat. She almost took us to PF Chang's,
but I was like, "No, that's too expensive! Pei Wei's just as good.. And not expensive..."
So we went to Pei Wei. And it was super yummy... And I kicked Jeremy's butt at Yatzee on his new iTouch. :)
After dinner, we went back to his house and started watching Prince Caspian...
I couldn't stop complaining about Caspian/Susan. >__>
... Okay, we didn't actually watch Prince Caspian. I was watching it, and Jeremy was looking at me while I watched it.
........ And I didn't actually watch the whole thing. I only watched about half of it.
................ Because other stuff happened during the second half. :) lol
Buuuut anyway. It was so much fun. I love hanging out with my baby. :)
I'll update this thing again in a few days... With quotes from the quote notebook of New Year's goings on. :)
legally blonde,
new year's,
writer's block,
prince caspian,
dallas summer musicals,
rock band