Wow - whilst I completely deplore the site you pointed out, I have to say that I'm impressed with the caliber of your scathing response to it :-) You're absolutely right that history can teach us all we need to know about the motives behind contemporary "terrorism" and indeed the disproportionate responses to it, which usually involves scaremongering, rolling back civil rights and dismantling information privacy laws at home; perpetuation of unlawful occupations, unprovoked attacks and human rights abuses abroad. Despite being "in the firing line" of these so-called terrorists, I just can't get behind any of these anti-terrorism schemes people and governments dream up - almost always the cost on liberty is too high to be worth it. Maybe I have the luxury of spewing this sort of peacetime sass because my life is always relatively safe, but then again I think it's always better to be critical of things than to blindly support them.
But I digress. Good to see another of your glorious posts. I'll leave you with this newsletter I receive (related to my job and computer security, but has lots of politics in it these days):
But I digress. Good to see another of your glorious posts. I'll leave you with this newsletter I receive (related to my job and computer security, but has lots of politics in it these days):
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