Mar 12, 2006 02:07
so.. i used to have this best friend.. shes from spain.. but we dont really hang out anymore..and theres a reason why but i mean its not a bad reason.. its just a reason.. well yeah.. i was suppose to go spain with her this summer i dont think i am ne more cause we never ever hardly talk.. well right now im just hanging out with kelly and ian and tripp at kellys house and yeah line maybe i will walk down to your house or you could maybe come over here lol well.. yeah but idk what were doin tonight we just went to wild iron and had drinks with my mom and her friends
hahaha kel virgin? virgin? mom:yes they are virgins hahaha well that was the highlight of the night then it was off to the beach where i fell in the water then off to the lighthouse then we went to the block house that was so scary well.. were going to watch a movie so talk to you all later tonight!
i really hope that me and that friend become friends again because i was the first person she met here and we used to talk about everything!