Oct 23, 2006 20:28
oh how i love these!! i have absolutely no will power with them! today i had one, although i did have the opportunity to have two, so i guess thats something!
Kathi and i went into Leeds for the day.. we went into a billion shops and i seriously tried on about 50 bras.. and did not like ANY of them.. ugh i hate bra shopping... i dont know how i managed to just pick one up the other day without much effort!
I did find a cute top though that was on sale!! yea.. it's a bit 'bar wench'-y, but im sure i'll find somewhere to wear it ;) .. if im bored later i may even take a picture of it :)
Oh and coming home we forgot (again) to check what times the trains leave, so we walk into the station and have 2 min to get thru, up and over onto the platform. so of course we have to run, which i hate running for stuff like busses/trains.. ugh.. so we get to the first door and the guy wont let us on there, have to run down to the next set of doors which are now closing! So iliterally jump on between these three men.. who werent planning on moving for me.. so im now squashed inbetween them going 'shit, sorry, shit' and trying to get out from between them! Kathi managed to jump on at the next set of doors.. thank god! Im glad we got on though b/c it was cold out and it would have sucked to have to sit there waiting for the next train...
ahh the joys of public transport!
at least i got my chocolate frappachino ;) Oh and i saw theres a new Meatloaf CD out too!! yea!