FIC: Fenland Frolics

Sep 22, 2009 17:49

Title: Fenland Frolics
Rating: G
Warnings: Extreme Mary-Sueing of my own hobbies...
Word Count: 1823
Summary: Tonks is having a hard week, but Remus knows a perfect antidote.
Author's notes: This is an embarassingly late birthday present for the lovely gilpin25, so late in fact that it's almost time for her next birthday. *cringes* I hope the fact that it ( Read more... )

r/t, fanfic, harry potter, tonks, remus, birthday, ootp era

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katyhasclogs September 30 2009, 14:36:59 UTC
Firstly, sorry for the late reply - I started to write one last week, but I can't have been in a very good mood as it was all coming out rather grumpy. Not the tone I was aiming to strike, lol!

I'm so glad you used Morris dancing in this: not only do you set the scene and describe the participants so very well, but it's such a good idea as a setting to both amuse and fascinate wizards.

I'm really pleased you think so! I had such fun describing the whole thing from an outsider's point of view - it's a gift of a setting, really, because there's so much to describe and it's so vivid and vibrant.

I particularly liked 'it was interesting to discover that he was unaware of quite how much he kept people at a distance. And reassuring, in a way, she thought, since if it wasn’t conscious, it was unlikely to be personal.' Which said so much about them both.

That was one of those bits that surprised me by just appearing as I was writing. I was listening to the audio book of PoA at the time, and wondering why Remus avoids telling Harry anything much about his relationship with James. Obviously the actual reason is so that we get a big surprise at the end, but in terms of characterisation I thought that maybe because of all the secrecy he's had to maintain over the years about so many things, it's a habit he's slipped into without noticing.

Really, really enjoyed this; it'll definitely be stored in my memories to be re-read and I love the title as well. Thank you for such a nice end to my evening!

I'm glad, not just because you liking it is sort of the point, but also because I was far from sure that the whole thing wasn't total crap!

Edited to add that sadly I don't have the legs for tie-dyed shorts. Tater got it right with the ladies in the green dresses. :)

Also, have finally seen the morris film! It was brilliant. I'd thouroughly recommend it. :)


gilpin25 October 3 2009, 13:24:58 UTC
Edited to add that sadly I don't have the legs for tie-dyed shorts. Tater got it right with the ladies in the green dresses. :)

It's no good being coy now and pretending I haven't see through your turquoise tights bluff! ;)

Also, have finally seen the morris film! It was brilliant. I'd thouroughly recommend it. :)

Oh, I hope I can catch it somewhere, I'd really like to see it. Perhaps BBC3 or 4 will do the decent thing and show it for me.


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