Birthday Wishes and a Whinge

Mar 03, 2009 13:49

First of all, as part of my spring resolution to remember to wish people a happy birthday, I'll begin by sending many happy returns of the day to ladybracknell .  I hope you have a lovely day, despite circumstances. :)

And now for an OTT pathetic whinge about health issues and work:

It's not fair.  I not only have a stinking cold, with blocked sinuses that are making my whole face ache, but the worst period pain I've had for years (the kind that's so bad that I throw up and nearly pass out).  And I have an essay to write for Thursday, as well as a proposal for next year's dissertation.  And hours and hours of rehersals for the dance club show (the club president has said that Wednesday's dress rehersal will go on until she is happy with it regardless of how long that takes).  And they're testing the fire alarms where I live today so it's going off every few minutes and I can't hear myself think.

All I want to do is curl up in bed and sleep and maybe also for someone to do my washing up and cook, but sadly none of those things are going to happen.

Okay, whinging over.  Anyone got any good cold remedies?  Bizarrely I quite fancy some sherry...


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