
Feb 04, 2009 19:16

I had my Indian dance class last night, and we did a move that involved moving from standing upright to kneeling in one swift movement, and we did it over and over.  Needless to say, I was using muscles I'm not used to using, and now it really hurts.  Standing still doesn't hurt, walking hurts a bit and stairs and the process of sitting down are agony!

I'm going to have thighs of steel by the time we get to the concert... ;)

Moving on from the  (sort-of) whinging, I thought I'd post the drabble meme that everyone was doing eons ago:

First five comments with a fandom, pairing or character(s), and prompt will get a drabble. If you ask for something [or not], feel free to post this on your journal and offer five of either art or fic that you do, too.

I'm not going to limit it to five, I'll do one for anyone who comments (only one each, mind) though of course if there's tons of you it may take me ten years.

Available fandoms:

Harry Potter

(Seriously, two fandoms is major branching out for me, lol.  Don't laugh.)  ;)

meme, fanfic, harry potter, chalion

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