More Than Friends (Part Two)

Jul 01, 2008 18:58

After a very enjoyable meal, Remus and I started on sorting out the Book Lice.

“They’re fairly easy to get rid of,” said Remus as we entered the dining room, “Especially if you catch them early, which we haven’t, unfortunately.  Dad can’t bear to exterminate them - he thinks they’re interesting.  Never marry a Magi-zoologist, Tonks; you’ll spend ( Read more... )

harry potter, tonks, ootp era, fanfic, r/t, ralph lupin, metamorfic moon, remus

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gilpin25 July 3 2008, 21:41:37 UTC
I'm so glad you got this done and I hope you're really chuffed with it.

I enjoyed meeting Ralph again and learning even more of the Lupin family history. More sadness there, but you've really captured the feeling of a home, of how much his mother's presence is still there, and I liked how, along with Tonks, we were able to listen to Remus gradually opening up and seeing how much he has inherited from both of his parents. I loved his exasperation with his father's inability to exterminate Book Lice because Remus in PoA always struck me as being rather fond of the weird creatures he brought to the classroom.

I'm also a bit of a sucker for detective stories, and I thought it was a great idea to give them a mystery to solve together, both to bring them closer, and also so that we were able to see them think it through in their different ways and find the answer because of the ideas they gave one another.

This passage struck me as both very Tonks in frustrated "What does he mean?" type humour and very Remus in "Give nothing away" type mode:

He could be saying anything from, “This is Nymphadora Tonks who I actually quite fancy and consider a potential lover”, to, “This is Nymphadora Tonks who is not my girlfriend, Dad, and never will be so don’t even dare to think it.”

I also really liked how Tonks worked through her feelings for him rather like analysing a puzzling book - until she just went for it. Which was the perfect ending, of course.

Yay! for your longest fic, and what I think is your best one yet.:D

Next time you're dithering over getting a prompt or not, I shall just remind you of how worthwhile it was this time. ;)


katyhasclogs July 4 2008, 16:24:57 UTC
Oh wow! What a lovely review! Thanks. :)

I'm really glad you liked the backstory bits, because there was an awful lot of it, and I'm well aware that it's inclusion was pretty gratuitous, lol.

I'm glad the mystery element worked for you too, since I was really worried about it. It started as just a way to get Tonks to Remus' house, but then I couldn't just abandon it with no conclusion, and the whole thing just grew and grew. I was so worried that it felt stuck on and had no real relevence to the rest of the story, so yeah, really releived it seemed to work.

Yay! for your longest fic, and what I think is your best one yet.:D

Seriously? Wow. I'm so surprised that everyone's been so complimentary, because I really thought it must be quite rushed and rubbish. You have no idea how shocked and happy that comment has made me. Thank you.

Next time you're dithering over getting a prompt or not, I shall just remind you of how worthwhile it was this time. ;)

LOL. But I feel really guilty when I miss the deadlines (which I always do). It's like breaking a promise or something.

Again, thank you so much. Your comments mean a lot to me. :)


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