last summer before my senior year freak out

Jun 28, 2006 18:55

So, I'm definetly freaking out right about now. It's June 28. That means I've been out of school for like 6 weeks with only about 8 weeks left to go before I have to go back. It's not that I mind going back. Hell, I wish college lasted like eight years. I can't believe it's almost over. High school so totally didn't go by this fast. My grades aren't what I want them to be. They're not bad by any far stretch of the imagination, but they're not as good as I like. My freshmen year was completely fucked up what with the freak of a roommate my own insecurities not to mention horrid--and i mean horrible--homesickness, that I just let my grades suffer. Now, I'm paying for it. I just want to do it all over, but I know I can't, but there's also not enough time to fix what I wanna fix. Oy. Not to mention the people. I love a few of them, but I can't help but think that once college is over come May I won't talk to them so much...if at all. I hate that. And with only one year left to go, I must now start thinking of what to do next. I don't know what the hell to do. I'm a psychology major, and there ain't much one can do with a bachelors in psych. So now I'm starting to look at some grad schools, but the problem is you kinda gotta know what you wanna do. And I have no fucking idea. I just wanna scream, I think. I'm seriously starting to think I've developed some sort of anxiety disorder. I shouldn't be so freaked out about graduating college. Or maybe I should be. I don't know. I should probably take the GREs this summer. But I haven't even looked into all. It's gonna be July in like 3 days. I feel so fucking lost. I wanna be like that kid in some state up north who went to college as an undergrad for like 12 years. Yeah, I wish I were him....
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