Maybe things are looking up

Jan 11, 2008 10:55


I went to meet with my advisor today. Normally out time together leaves me feeling stupider and worthless.... I was also begining to think I would be jobless after graduation and have to move in with my parents and work at lame old RVE again. was a good day.

Today several proscpects for jobs were brought to my attention.

1. I have an interview at the Port Authority on Tuesday for an entry "level position" (whatever that means...Im a phD!!) and Culligan said not to worry becasue the PA pays rediculously and has great benefits.

2. Culligan was talking to a prof from NU civil engineering (about me!!!)and she said that the prof wants me to apply for a position at

3. The NSF postdoc grant for Ireland is still waiting for a response. It would be really great for my career and tons of fun.

4. Culligan encouraged me to call my aunts contact at Goldman Sachs because there are plenty of good research posotions there and there is no shame is checking it out.

And.....she was happy with my research over the break.

There you have it....a good day.
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