Freedom Begins

May 11, 2019 18:15

Title: Freedom Begins
Author: Katya Starling
Fandom: The Librarians
Characters/Pairing: Jenkins/Cassandra, Ensemble
Rating: G/K
Challenge: BeattheBlackDog 157: Courtship and Ficlet-Zone 14: Reverse Fandom: Agents of SHIELD
Warnings: Spoilers
Word Count: 1,439
Date Written: 6 May 2019
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.

The Annex had always been a place of magic in which Jenkins had taken pride and joy for caring. Yet lately, since the Librarians’ return, he’d felt a certain spring in his step. He should still been worried. Duloch was bound to appear again at any second, and there were constantly new threats. Plus the Library still was not whole. Magical artifacts and beings were still scattered across the globe, and every time the Librarians left their place of safety, there was a chance, far too good and of which he did not want to consider, that one or more of them, even all, might not return.

He’d almost lost them so many times before. He’d almost lost her many times before, and not always because of her duty as a Librarian. The first time he’d almost lost her, it had been due to nothing magical at all but rather something within her own, her own pretty, petite body of which he found himself thinking far too often lately and in far more private ways than he had any right to.

He cleared his throat, only then realizing that he’d been humming while dusting. Eve looked up with a wry grin on her face. He cleared his throat again, more sharply this time, and nodded his head in respect to the Guardian. “Sir.”

“Carry on, Jenkins,” she replied, sweeping away with her coffee cup in hand. He did not miss the twinkle in her eyes, however, or the soft chuckle behind him. He glared at Ezekiel, and the thief ran about his business. Jenkins smiled and adjusted his tie with his free hand. At least he could still strike fear into certain, unsavory characters.

He turned from the desk and was about to continue along his cleaning routine when the door opened and Jacob and Cassandra stepped into the light. Jenkins barely noticed the Oklahoman as his eyes fell upon the girl in the flowery dress. God, but the child was beautiful! The sunlight streaming through the open door seemed to cast an almost magical glow onto her red hair, which he was thankful the Annex had been able to regrow for her after the operation.

“Come inside,” he clucked urgently, “and shut the door before somebody sees you!”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Morning to you too, Jenkins,” Jacob muttered as he fulfilled the caretaker’s simple request.

“We brought breakfast for everyone!” Cassandra chirped. Her smile was every bit as beautiful as she was, and something caught in Jenkins’ throat at the sight of her. He literally had to turn away before he could dislodge the tight block of emotion.

“Parisian coffee and all American doughnuts,” Jacob added brightly.

Jenkins was moving away when Cassandra suddenly popped up beside his elbow. “Miss Cillian -- “ he started, reaching out to dust the nearest object, which proved only to be an empty space on the wall.

She noticed his behavior, and her smile brightened. “I was thinking,” she spoke hopefully, “we could take our breakfast on the balcony.”

“The Annex does not have a -- “

“It can open to any balcony in the world,” Ezekiel reminded him.

“I am quite aware of that, Mister Jones.” Jenkins realized, too late, that his irritation was plainly evident in his stern tone.

The Aussie grinned at him. “Yeah, but what you don’t know is there’s a certain balcony that’s right above an Italian villa that the birds love.”

“I -- That is -- “ Jenkins was definitely flustered now. The more he tried to find a way to dislodge himself from this unexpected proposition, the more he stammered, and the redder his face grew.

“It’s just breakfast, Jenkins,” Eve said, slapping his back and grinning cockily. “It’s not gonna kill you.”

“I am quite aware of that fact, Colonel. It is simply that I have work to do.”

“Yeah. Like dusting bare walls.” Jacob laughed heartily as he snapped the duster out of Jenkins’ hand.

“Mister Stone -- “

“Aw, shut up.”

“Excuse me?!”

“The girl wants to have breakfast with you, Jenkins. She’s not asking you to bed.”

“And movies don’t necessarily land you in bed either,” Eve muttered.

All of the older man’s blood filled his face at that point. “Colonel Baird!”

She shrugged, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Just saying.” She grabbed his shoulders, forcibly spun him around, and pushed him toward the door. “Now go. Guardian’s orders.”

“I -- That is -- You are not -- For gosh sakes, I am not a Librarian!”

“No,” Eve acknowledged, grinning from ear to ear, “but I am responsible for all your souls, and I’m ordering you, Jenkins, to take a day off. You don’t have to spend it all with Cassandra, but take her out to breakfast. Now.”

She shoved him at the door, which Ezekiel brazenly opened just in time for him to stumble through its exit. Cassandra hurriedly placed the rest of the bags she carried into Jacob’s waiting hands and hurried out the door after him, carrying their own breakfast with her as she went.

Left alone on the balcony with her as the door shut soundly behind them -- and Jenkins could almost swear he could hear the Annex chuckling too --, the former Knight gulped once more. He turned his gaze swiftly away from the beautiful, young woman, looking out at the villa, the sea in the distance, and the bright, blue sky. He turned his gaze everywhere he could but at her.

“Mister Jenkins -- “

He jumped as Cassandra called his name. Slowly, he turned to face her and forced his quivering lips to lift into a shaky smile. He bowed his head in a gesture she found quite elegant. “Miss Cillian -- “

“Please sit,” she said, gesturing to the chair opposite her own. “I don’t like eating breakfast alone.” She pouted up at him. “And I really didn’t feel like dealing with the boys any more quite yet. It’s too early for their antics.” It was almost always too early for Ezekiel’s antics especially. Guys her age had always been so immature. They left so much to be desired; that was one of the reasons why she’d first noticed how gentlemanly Jenkins always was. And no wonder -- he had been a Knight of the Round Table, after all! Her eyes seemed to glitter dreamily up at him as she considered yet again possibly having her very own Knight.

Jenkins gulped, but gazing down into her beautiful, hope-filled face, he found it quite impossible to decline her offer. “Very well,” he said, sitting and popping a napkin out into his lap. He was determined not to fall for this young woman, no matter how beautiful and kind she was. His heart belonged to another, after all, and once a Knight of King Arthur’s Round Table gave his word, or his heart, he kept it. It didn’t matter that the offer of his heart had never been accepted; it was no longer his to give away.

And yet as Cassandra smiled ever so sweetly and beautifully up at him, Jenkins felt his heart beating. He felt it thundering in his chest, and swooning too. He was caving, he knew. He was caving, falling in love with this innocent, wonderful child despite all his better intentions, despite the fact that he knew it was wrong and he had nothing to offer her.

Cassandra reached out and took his hand in hers. She knew he was nervous; she was too. She could feel him shaking, his feet bobbing up and down on the floor. “I just thought it might be nice to say a blessing over the food,” she said in lieu of explaining that she only wanted to feel the warmth and reassurance of his hand in hers. It didn’t matter what deity they thanked; as long as they said thanks for the blessings they did receive.

They needed to count their blessings, she knew. Life was too short to not be grateful for every good thing that came one’s way, and the man before her definitely was a blessing. She beamed up at him, glowing with the knowledge that their friendship was officially, if slowly, becoming something more. Becoming a LIbrarian and being friends with the others had helped her to come out of her shell; now she was going to help him come out of his, leave the past where it belonged in the past, and begin to finally live for the future she knew he could have, and hopefully for the one they could have together. She grinned at him as he humbly bowed his grey head. Jenkins didn’t know it yet, but their courtship had officially began!

The End

librarians: jenkins/cassie

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