Life Choices

May 05, 2019 23:59

Title: Life Choices
Author: Katya Starling
Fandom: Dawson's Creek
Characters/Pairing: Andie, past Pacey/Andie
Rating: G/K
Challenge: 100Words 142: The Road Not Taken
Warnings: Future Drabble, AU
Word Count: 100
Date Written: 5 May 2019
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.

“Do you ever wonder about it?”

“What?” she snapped, always angry.

“About the road not taken. The life you could’ve had, you know, if you hadn’t become a cop.”

For a moment, she seemed to look right through him and the precinct as her mind turned back to another time, a brighter time, when she’d actually thought she might have a future she’d want. But then she remembered how the asylum had tricked her with its medications and ruined everything. She remembered the pain she’d felt losing the only man she’d ever loved. “No. There’s always innocents who need help.”

The End

dawson's creek: andie

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