's been a while!

Jun 28, 2006 15:14

I haven't posted on here in decades! Crazy stuff. I read a post by my sister wondering if I never posted because I am married. I don't know... my first reaction would be to say no. But then that may have something to do with it. Only that my life seems so much more busy now than it ever did. Although, I still have the same job and am still doing mostly the same things. It's just that in the evenings I don't get to be on the computer for pleasure reasons that's all. But I could still do it during the days.

The title of this page says: Update Journal. Update Journal!?!? wow, it would take so long. There have been so many things that have happened!! Can you imagine that in the period of one year, I have met someone, engaged, married and now am on my way to having a baby. INSANE! really, if you look at it, normal people don't do that. Only by God's grace could something like this have happened. I'm not complaining, far from it. I feel very blessed, actually! My wedding was gorgeous and now I get to enjoy the baby coming and being preggo and all the fun that comes with that. It is overwhelming at times though.

I wish that Emma were here. I'm assuming that you are the only one reading my lj anymore emma, which is sad, but makes sense as it is summer and noone goes on the computer during the summer. They are all outside having fun and playing games and stuff.

In exactly a week and a half, I will be going camping up north in the Adirondacks with my friends. Kelly, Scott, Joshua (of course), Ruth, and Kamren and Bekah (with their new baby, Frederick). I'm really really excited and just well, really excited. I can't wait to be in nature, away from the New Jersey blah and city. Ruth moved to Harlem recently, about a month ago, and we are happy to have her here!

news from me, other than the main preggo thing--- is that Joshua and I are considering/applying for an associate pastor job in Washington D.C. I am excited for this, and really hope that God's steps take us down that path. It would be so awesome to live in d.c.

so the summer goes on. we have a lot of work to do and a lot of bills to pay and only so much money that is coming into our account. it's frustrating and stressful at times. I can only trust the Lord, cuz there's NOTHING I can do to make more money. Not really. And in September I won't be a nanny anymore (guess I will have to change my lj subtitle). cuz they found a new nanny and would like her to come in sept. yikes! Then what am I supposed to do???
God will provide, God will provide, God will provide. That's my mantra.

I have a belly, Emma, just so you know. I have to post pictures soon.

alright, I'm off. Enough typing for me. Today was not a good day. We are all very crabby and have been fighting all day. i feel like a slacker.
oh well. God give me grace and mercy. I want some energy back!!!

adios (for now...)
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