Jun 23, 2005 23:13
I am reminded tonight of my tendency to get involved in lots of things and then get stressed out. I was talking to Joshua on the phone, and he asked me a simple question about the Billy Graham crusade that is coming up tomorrow. In the midst of my trying to find the answer I mentioned to him that it was difficult to find the answer because the combination of the Crusade, Creation and different curriculum packets I've been looking over for my new Director of Children's Ed job --- my room has become mass chaos with different papers everywhere. He kindly reminded me that I am allowed to say no to things if I need to. I appreciated that, because although I have learned my lesson in the past about overcommitting to things (thinking way back to my time of SCF and DIG)-- it is still nice to have someone keep me accountable. Isn't that what the body of Christ is all about? Keeping us focused on what will bring God the most Glory.
It wouldn't be so bad if all this stuff didn't fall right on the same weekend! In some ways, I feel like July is already gone, with all the different events and plans that I have. It's stuff to be excited for-- back in Michigan on the 21-24 and Creation is gonna rock (literally, with lots of good bands to look forward to). I think that what needs to happen is that I should just not be stressed and remember to give every day over to the Lord, every moment even. He is my strength.
I miss my sister tonight, Emma dear girl, if you are reading this, you better call quick, cuz we are not gonna get a chance to talk in a couple weeks if you don't! It stinks sometimes that you are 6 hours ahead. I could call if it weren't like 5 in the morning there. phooey.
Also I'm wondering if Chip you read this, cuz I'd like to know when your ministry at the beach gets over and when you will be back in Lansing. Will I see you in July? is the partial reason for that inquiry.
Speaking of Cogan family-- I get to see Scott and Kelly this weekend. Whoooppee... even though I get to see them fairly often, sometimes it seems like it's never enough. Perhaps because after seeing Kelly basically every day for a two year period of time-- and because my time with them is always such a blessing-- I long for them with the affection of Christ Jesus.
That's all my lj can take for tonight. My body feels nice and refreshed from my run today... pleasantly weary. And ready for sleep.
God's grace on you my readers--