LICH neuro с 10 мая или Jersey City medicine с первого июня?

May 05, 2010 13:13

Вчера мой универ прислал мне предложние не ждать июня и начать в понедельник в  Long Island College Hospital в  даунтауне Бруклина, причем начать с неврологии, а не с медицины, как делают все остальные наши ученики. На самом деле я рассматриваю неврологию, как потенциальную специальность в будущем, поэтому сначала испугалась так, что решила для себя - нет,  лучше начну с медицины, все научусь, а потом уже возьму неврологию и буду там блестать и производить впечатление. Попросила совета на фейсбуке и  value MD форуме  и, как назло, еще все посоветовали начать с медицины. Вчера я отослала е-маил в универ, что нет уж, нашли дурочку, не пойду на неврологию сразу, не хочу позориться...а сегодня одна девочка написала на  value MD  вот такой комментарий и снова сбила меня с толку...

Don't sweat it

Originally Posted by Katya1909

Hi, guys, I was offered to do neuro elective at lICH as my first rotation. Since I don't have any clinical experience yet, do you think it is a good idea to start with neuro ( especially considering it as one of the potential specialties?). Also, if you have done it there, please share your experiences. I do not see it on ACGME site as well, does it mean it is not accredited? You won't see LICH's neuro program on ACGME coz it doesn't have one; the neuro dept there is staffed by neuro attendings employed by LICH & residents of Downstate's neurology residency program. Since most neuro programs are university based, you won't find that many in community hospitals like LICH, Lutheran, Maimo, Brooklyn hosp, etc.

Straight out of basic sciences, my very first M3 rotation was neuro at LICH but unlike you I wasn't offered the choice, I was just handed the schedule & that was that. I had the same concern about appearing turnip green to folks in the specialty I was going into but was reassured just a couple of days into it. Having it as a very first rotation, they expect you to be completely wet behind the ears, so you're not pimped as hard and can get away with a lot. Meeting that dept. early on allowed me to build a relationship, follow a mentor who let me assist in neurointerventional procedures whenever I could manage, as well as participate in research. If I'd waited to do this rotation afew cores later, there won't have been enough time. And LORs were easy to ask from folks I'd worked closely with for almost a year, and the research drew interest at EVERY interview.

Secondly, the LICH neuro attendings are awesome! Some moody, some workaholic, but all benevolent & benign. And all of them good - no great - at what they do, as well as good teachers. Dr J is brilliant & best of the best; she was THE interventional neurologist in the hospital, the only one (at least till I was there). All the way to the EEG techs & the ancillary staff were nice and easy to get along with.

Today, sitting at PGY2-going-on-PGY3 (7wks away...yay!) neurology, I can tell you first hand it worked out great.


Блин, ну как так? Я тоже хочу сидеть уже в  PGY2 или 3 ( это второй и третий год резидентуры) и смотреть вот так назад, как она, позитивно, легко и счастливо...ну что, снова просить универ все-таки мне дать неврологию в  LICH?  Блин, почему в жизни всегда нужно принимать серьезные решения...устала я уже от этого...

UPD Я приняла решение -  неврология начиная с понедельника! Ура, надо бежать покупать стетоскоп, усиленно читать  Bates Guide to history takinг and physical examination  и перестать волноваться!:)

sgu, карьера, медицина, учеба, университет

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