Cross Species Collaboration = More Fun for Everyone!

Apr 07, 2010 17:57

After replying to KR this morning, it occurred to me that GretaCat and I really haven't shown the same cooperative spirit toward Big Blonde and Smiley Dog that Kai so often shows toward Shadow and Sunny. I felt very bad about this. How could we be so selfish? So I did my best to make up for it by pulling a nearly full bag of Dog Greenies out of the Pet Stuff cabinet and dropping it onto the kitchen floor. Boy were the dogs happy to see the human when she finally got home. They nearly had her dragged back out the door before she'd managed to get their leashes on them. I think both dogs, but mostly Big Blonde, owe us big time for that one. The only difficulty is thinking of something they can help us do that we can't already do by ourselves. Perhaps we need Big Blonde to whine more persistently and convincingly at the back door so that the human will finally open it. We really don' t need it to be open very widely or long to be able to sneak out!


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