Mar 11, 2005 10:27
Ok, so when the clock stikes 10am should I feel :
A. triumphant that despite extreme bordem, fatigue and one of the most comfortable beds in the world (bar the heaven that was my bed in Edinburgh) my body is able to keep me awake throughout the night. And if this is the case, how should I reward my wayward internal clock? Coffee (t'would be Irish of course)? A day spent in the sunshine? Sleeping pills?
B. Frustrated and view my departure from bed as a failure on my part against the evil night sprites of insomnia. If so, surely the course of action to be taken would involve remaining in bed until an adequate amount of sleep has been obtain ... If only my blind wasn't designed with the unique feature of amplifying and diffusing the light into my room as opposed to the traditional light blocking methods favoured by the window coverings of yesteryear.
C. Really rather sleepy.
Fuck it, I'm going to go get changed and wander round the city ( ... again)
Bets on my nodding off on the bus? I'll give you good odds.
an aside about the "music" section of this post ... Nice to see they've taken to fitting cushions on bandwagons these days, very comfy. Oh, and I hear that soon TVs will be installed too showing features of upcoming trends. Always nice to be that step ahead. But hey, who needs steps when the wheels of the wagon keep rollin rollin rollin ...