May 10, 2011 12:40
So, the car. Actually before I give an update on the car I should probably let you know what happened to the car. Brother Minor has passed his driving test last week. Hurrah and huzzah to him. Anyway, so for whatever reason, he was reversing Mum's new car down the drive on and through the gate Saturday evening- and this happily went off without a hitch. Sister, who has not yet passed her test, decided she too would reverse a car down the drive - my car*. Our drive has a camber which means that the car will always list slightly to the left and, while Brother Minor tried to marshall her away, Sister ended up colliding with the left-hand gatepost, leaving the wingmirror plastered against the side of the car. As I don't have pictures the best approximation is to say it looked like this: \[ rather than this /[
And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Happily the garage will be finished fixing the car today. I've also been given lifts to and from work (for which I am profoundly grateful) by friends, family and coworkers. But it will be nice to have the car back again.
EDIT: Actually I won't have it till tomorrow - the garage has ordered parts for the wrong wingmirror!
Otherwise nothing much going on. I have finished Eagle of the Ninth and enjoyed it hugely. I am now powering through the first in the Beekeeper's Apprentice series - which I will finish. No matter how much willpower it takes.
* At the moment, in the interests of family harmony, it is best not to say no to my sister.