Sometimes, I feel that I should go and play with the thunder.

Nov 06, 2005 09:42

*pokes* *cuddles*

Woo. I woke up at 9. 0_o *dies* I don't know if I've ever woken up at that time, voluntarily. I actually woke up at 6. I was having a dream, then someone said something not nice to me, and left me feeling crushed and I woke up sad. I thought about other things *insert blush here* and I realised that my dreams were stupid and non-real. *pulls a zap at dreams* I fell back asleep and just got up at 9. Why? Because I'm a sick masochist and I like to prolong pain by lengthening the day. At least when I wake up at 14:00 on other days, the day is half-gone already.

Why'm I updating? Ah, yes. *remembers* Grr, I have to go study Science today. Since we practically have no Science notes, ie. Our "momentum" chapter is less than half a page, I'm possibly gonna burn those notes and just learn through exam papers. *burns Science textbook too* Seriously, our textbook is as interesting to look at as it is to look at Mr Radloff. The thing was first friggin' published in 1987. That's the year I was born. 0_o *cremates textbook*

Dear Dieter ♥,
I miss you so much. :'(

To Dreams,
You're weird.

Dear Cellphone Background,
I ♥ you.

Dear MSN & Vodacom,
Fuck you!

Ah yes, why I came to update:

For Laurie:

I was downstairs eating breakfast. Uhm, yeah, that's it. ;) Lol, no, I was eating breakfast and watching TV, and that REM song "Leaving New York" came on. Dunno if you've heard it. It made me feel like crying. I thought of you, except you're leaving CPT, not New York. Anyway, the guy was basically just sitting in the airport, which was deserted, and he kept having flashbacks of happy stuff. And there were shots of him on the train, watching all the bright lights of the city go past, looking across the bay at the lights on all the skycrapers and stuff. And I felt so sad. :( Don't go! We love you!!!

Here's a bit of the song:

"It's quiet now, and what it brings is everything...
Comes calling back a brilliant night, I'm still awake
I looked ahead I'm sure I saw you there
You don't need me to tell you now, that nothing can compare

You might have laughed if I told you
You might have hidden the frown
You might have succeeded in changing me
I might have been turned around

It's easier to leave than to be left behind
Leaving was never my proud
Leaving New York never easy
I saw the life fading out."

Okay, I'm off now. Before I get too sad and stuck in that dark hole in my head, I've gotta go pull myself out of it.


PS: Love, hugs and kisses to Dieter, always.
PPS: Hugs and creepy grins to Laurie! Don't go!
PPPS: Congratulatory and joyous thumps on the back to everyone else.


You're the popular school girl! You have a lot of
friends and guys really think you're cute.
Everywhere you go you're surrounded by people.
And you're very lucky because you have the
ability to love and trust people with ease.
You're very laidback and people enjoy your

What kind of school girl are you? (cute pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

One word: HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah right. *cough* But I guess the loving and trusting people with ease is kinda right. I do that. Sometimes it hurts in return. Sometimes not. There's only one person I need to love. Okay, I'm really going now. *fades*
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