I just came back from my second pain free bike ride ever. So many thanks to the doctor who pointed me to
this helpful site and the folks there who gave their testimonies about
this seat. Cycling is SO MUCH more fun when it doesn't hurt!
In other amazing news, my dear Kate got engaged on Friday. I have eight kazillion emotions related to this--happy for her, because it feels incredibly right; scared for her because she's twenty and even if they don't get married for a few years, the statistics are ominous and because I know marriage is messy; indignant on her behalf for all the people who are going to ask her if she is crazy--and I can only imagine that she's feeling all these things and more to the nth degree. Mostly though, I'm happy, because she's happy. If I could guarantee a long joyful life for one person in the world, I would choose Kate.
And now, a fun fact from economics: in the US, the unemployment rate and the employment rate are not opposites. They rarely add up to one hundred percent. This is because they are two different statistics based on two different sectors of the population. Not only that, different countries determine these two key figures in different ways, and many media outlets compare international employment rates without making sure that, say, Canada & the US determine their employment and unemployment figures by the same method.
I would tell you a fun fact about accounting, but it doesn't lend itself to fun facts. Though this weekend I did do Darth Vader's accounts for his first quarter in business as a private investigator. He was remarkably profitable, despite high overhead. It must be tough to disguise that wheeze though; I speculated about how he managed undercover jobs while I finished out his financial statements.