So i've been pretty much staying in my apartment the past few days. i went out last night to get medicine and tissues, bleck. the stages of my cold move really quickly...for about 3-4 hours last night i had this unbearable tingling in my nose that made me feel like i was going to sneeze, but i couldn't. then that went away and i woke up today just with a headache and feeling sore all down my neck and shoulders and head.
ok, so, classes start tomorrow, woot. no, i'm not really excited...but i am going to try really hard this semester. i HAVE to do well and bring my GPA back up. i can't tolerate below a 3.0, nooo way. when i'm not feeling sick i like to dance around to music...alone...because, how else am i going to work on my kick ass secret moves if i don't practice alone. i've got on my leg warmers, my oversized neckhole sweatshirt, and of course, a chain that i pull that releases water whenever i get thirsty and overheated. i'm going to be the most badass dancer they ever did see.
haha, i had a really stupid conversation with alex last night:
Alex: lol that one is HILARIOUS!
Alex: im going to make a t shirt with that on it.
ME: i know right
Alex: and then wipe my ass with saId t shirt
ME: i came up with a really funny quote for a shirt the other night but i forgot what it was. haha, i thought that said salad at first
ME: and all i saw was ass and salad and i thought you were talking about tossing salad
Alex: im gonna wipe my ass with a salad
ME: lol, it's the organic, holistic way to go
Alex: lol
ME: my anus feels strangely must be those shredded carrots and sliced cucumbers
Alex: hmmm
ME: we should make salad toilet paper
ME: people would buy it, alex, i swear
Alex: haha we could be hundredares
ME: lol
ME: as long as i get to wear a monocle
Alex: and a smile
ME: and some tassle pasties that actually will come from people's graduation caps
Alex: lol
ME: and i'll carry a chimp on my right hip
ME: chimpware, the most bitchassmotherfucking shit you eva did see. endorsed by the creators of "salad paper", the toilet paper that leaves your rectum feeling like springtime
ohh, and also, i love the kanye west. it's awesome.