Who the FUCK is going into my patio every night and destroying my flowers? I just found an entire flowerbed full of decapitated irises and lilies. This is second time it's happened in the past 2 weeks. The irises are always weak and don't grow well up here, but they are a tribute to my aunt and now I won't get to see them bloom. The lilies are
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So, we called the paper. Rather, Calvin did. He could see that I was pretty upset and I think he suspected I might not be as forceful as was necessary on the phone. And/or he thought I'd be too rude or not rational on the phone. Anyway, he offered and I took him up on it. The lady on the phone was very understanding and commented on how mad she would be, and that she admired his calm. He said, "Oh, that's not the case with my wife. She is far from calm about this." He explained the situation to her, said we're uncomfortable having him in the neighborhood, and left it at that.
We can't cancel the paper for tomorrow, so they will likely come tomorrow. I think I'll get up early, have my coffee and be waiting outside for him. His mom should be with him; she said she would supervise him on deliveries. I plan to thank her for supervising him and tell her that we went ahead and called the paper and that she will likely be contacted about it. It might be an uncomfortable conversation, but I think it's the mature adult thing to do here. Also, I'll offer to let them leave the paper at the garage door, where they can throw it from the car, rather than having the kid get out and run around the house to deliver it. That's a VERY reasonable offer, in my opinion. Still, he might end up getting fired, anyway.
I've got SUCH a headache this morning from the whole thing. Calvin keeps telling me that I need to let it go, and he's getting kinda pissy about it, but I just can't. I dunno why!- my adrenaline is high, I guess. I've taken some Tylenol (could use something stronger, I think!), and I'll try to focus on doing the work today that I didn't get done yesterday due to all the ruckus and talking to the cop and obsessing about this, anyway.
Maybe I'm the one that needs a pschy, eh, Cherise?
I hope you don't have any more trouble from him. Yikes.
I would be REALLY pissed off if someone messed with my flowers, especially the ones from my grandmother's yard. I totally understand.
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