Sunday night groaning

Nov 04, 2007 21:45

Is it ok to rant a bit on these posts? After all, it is a journal, and part of journaling is getting all those thoughts written down so one's mind can become more at ease, right?  Well, whether it's ok or not, I'm going to rant a bit.  Stop reading now if you don't care to hear.

It's all minor whining really.  Above it all, I realize I'm whining about details in a life that's pretty damned good, despite the odds presented to me early on in life.  At least I realize this.  But still, I have the right to bitch a bit.

Thing is, I don't want to go to Denver tomorrow.  I gotta go there once a week and show my face around the official "office," just so the coworkers remember who I am, so I can build relationships and trust, etc., blah, blah, blah.  I just hate doing's a 2-hr drive $8 one way in tolls (or else deal with multiple hours of rush hour stop-n-go), and I get home really late those nights.  Tomorrow's added agony comes from the fact that I gotta interview with a major corporation tomorrow, a competitor in my business.  The headhunters call all the time, but this recent one has been most persistent and finally started telling me I'd be paid ridiculous amounts of money AND that I could continue to work from home.  I just don't believe it, it's just a line of bullshit formulated to get me to interview so he can get his commission, but I finally yielded to the barrage of voice mails and emails and agreed to talk to this company. They are big, reputable, and it might be a decent career move for me, but (1) I doubt they are telling me the truth re:working from home; (2) I doubt they will pay me more for the same level of work, and I am just soooo not wanting to manage people or a department or become a marketing person; (3) my current company is being very good to me and they are nice people, and (3) I've got a good gig, and a good deal going now. Sure, it's not "the" career builder I had hoped for, but it's something to pay the bills and expand the resume while I wait for my hubbie to graduate and figure out how he's gonna use that PhD.  Sigh..anyway, I just DO NOT want to go to Denver tomorrow and I really really really really really don't want to go through an interview at the end of the day. Ergh, I'll be glad when it's all over.

The other gripe is that although I got a lot of stuff (catching up) done at home today, I didn't get it all done and more importantly, I didn't get to play my clarinet. I gotta get my chops back in shape, because I'm not nearly as good as I was in high school, and I need to get to practicing so I can handle the upcoming Xmas concert.  I've got a new, fancy clarinet and I don't have the muscles to play it well. Plus I absolutely love playing my clarinet; it's like meditation for me. But a few hours ago, the next door neighbor stopped by and all that Southern hospitality kicked in, and before I knew it I was asking him to stay for dinner, and then 2 bottles of wine, 3 beers, and meal later, I realized my evening was gone.  Man, that guy can talk a lot, and his wife was working the night shift at her new Starbucks job, and so he had nothing better to do than sit down and eat/drink/talk with Calvin and me. I really enjoy entertaining in my home, but I sure wish it would have been some other night!

Oh man, I really DO NOT want to go to Denver tomorrow.

Saw "Stranger than Fiction" last night. Good movie, I thought. Good soundtrack, too....and I loves them good soundtracks. That's my thing, I love the odd mixes of music one can get from soundtracks, and I notice that several Will Farrell (sp?) movies always have interesting soundtracks. Case in point:  Stranger than Fiction, Winter Persuasion, and Elf.

Rebl, I see your note re: the movie Knocked Up. We'll get it soon, it sounds good.

Ok, enough bitching. Gotta get some rest before hitting the road for that fucking long drive to Denver.

Did I mention that I really don't want to go to Denver tomorrow?????? 
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