- spaghetti and red sauce everyday for the rest of my life. favorite best favorite best best best
- summer
- summer
- jamie foxx for penning these lyrics "i know that you're used to dinner and a movie/ why not be my dinner, while makin a movie?"
- iced coffee
- summer fridays
- this self-pronounced bilateral hermaphrodite called Baby-D who used to work the freak shows at Coney Island and now sings minstrel love songs and accompanies himself on the harp.
- the sopranos; big love
- fiery furnaces cd that is being burned for me right now!
- summer fruits: watermelon, other melons, peaches, plums, plums, plums, berries
- number of people listed in my phone as "uncle": 3; number of them who are actually my uncle: 1
- going to one million movies
- telling the people from the collection agency that they "do G-d's work". hell, telling anyone that they " do G-d's work". best phrase.
- my friends
- antony and the johnsons. antony being fat.
- waking up early on work days for the sole purpose of watching music videos.
- brooklyn. new york. fort greene.
- prosecco
- rolling down a hill.
- bird flu
- the idea of becoming a "whole 'nother woman" after work ends. the transition includes: taking hair out of bun and shaking it out, unbuttoning shoulder padded jacket of powersuit, heels clicking really loud on the pavement, reaching into long strapped purse for lipstick/car keys. so 80's!
- how pretty much all g-pas wear khakis and big white sneakers. which i love.
- calling people "fartknocker"
- trader joes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- i am so into how lisa is eating stuff. we are so going to peter lugers.
- the jersey shore
- getting a tan with baby oil and being the darkest mami on the block
- the dream i had a few nights ago where (in the dream) i woke up to a clean room and even in un-reality, i couldn't fathom having cleaned it myself, so i dream-freaked and thought that someone had climbed through my window and stolen all my dirty clothing?!?!
- anyone want to give me their bike?
- the onion tear-a-day-away desk calendar that i have that makes me crack up everyday
- the dumpling house
- orchids. lillies.
- www.dlisted.com the most hilarious gossip blog
- my dream man who i saw at the chez bushwick benefit. he is their developer/business partner and he is a dreamboat and we talked to eachother about bushwick, potential, and the difference between fruits and vegetables. so hot! will never have him!
- salami
i cant think of any more. i will add later. what are you guys into right now?