Hello peeps

Sep 06, 2009 08:40

OK so i have been informed that not ALL of the universe has abandoned LJ for face book. I have personally not bothered with face book my self. Here is the things about things like face book and Myspace, I really an avoiding posting about RL as much as possible. Why... well first it is boring, second it has been more bad news then good and i really do not want to throw a pity party for my self over the Internets.

So what is left ?
I could start cross posting some of my web comics. http://www.redspot.the-comic.org/ BUT they are fury and are on a web page made to post comics with. And some day will have a donate button..

I could start pimping my art over LJ and see if someone buys some? But i always feel like i am shouting in to the darkness, i never know who if anybody is out there... and that may go badly if i do not want tons of my art showing up on thieve fail sauce sites like F-chan.

I could talk about my hobbies.... wait a minuet... that is art.. and World of Warcraft.

So i am at a loss on what to post on LJ.. and to be honest i am not a writer.. that is my sister. Much like this post my thoughts are disjointed and rarely clear and concise. So blogging has never been my thing.

Well i guess that was an update.. here enjoy a wow baced Music video from the Web series "The guild"

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